Some strain, and strain over things and never get the answer they need! All the while Jesus has arms outstretched willing to give all they need and more! There are keys to the kingdom of God and those keys open doors of blessing to take care of all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! Never ever blame God for your lack for He has nothing to do with that lack! God did say if you “lack” wisdom to ask and He will give it liberally and upbraid not! James 1:5 Sounds good, right?! It is good for wisdom has riches in the right hand, and riches and honor in the left! Proverbs3:16. Now some stop reading right there in James 1:5 but there are guards around all the promises of God, and the guard around this one is to let patience have it’s perfect work that you may be perfect, and complete, LACKING NOTHING! Also, it goes on to say in verse 6 that when you ask for wisdom to ask in faith NOTHING WAVERING, BELIEVING AND WITH NO DOUBT, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive ANYTHING from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in ALL they do.
Using faith is NOT a feeling! “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!” You have faith, but need to DECIDE not to be lazy and laying down on the job, but to STAND AND USE IT! One thing to remember that faith speaks and that’s when the mountains get REMOVED! What if you lay there under the burdens of life, talking the problems, complaining how bad you have it? You will have what YOU say when you believe it! So then you have more misery and heartache, and oppression, and wonder why, oh why does all this garbage have to be your lot in life! All the while the truth is that it does NOT have to be your lot in life, but if you would just STAND things would change and God could work in your life!
Standing is a position of authority and victory! You are not knocked down, but are standing by FAITH! Romans11 says we stand by faith! The devil is a liar, and will tell you that you cannot stand, but have to fall and fail! Do NOT accept those lies, but STAND against them and rebuke them!
The devil and his followers and demons cannot stand it when having done all to stand you STAND! That means you overcome them all and all their tricks and have stood by faith, and they know God will honor your faith and they will be delivered, healed, and blessed of God and they cannot do a thing about it!
Some Christians are “night crawlers for God” for they believe and act so! Crawling,crawling, crawling in the dirt and muck and mire of life! Bound up with depression spirits, spirits of anxiety, loneliness, grief, and pain; misery is their middle name! They expect no more than awfulness and problems! They rehearse their problems every day and establish the present evil circumstance by what they say! It is perpetual oppression for the night crawlers!
God has no night crawlers in His Holy Spirit army of believers, but only those who having done all to stand, STAND with the full armor of God on stepping all over the devil’s head! Overcoming is their middle name and lifestyle! They speak faith, victory, the abundant life, and are possessing the land! Those who stand fear NOTHING for: ” IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO THEN CAN BE AGAINST US?!”
Then we hear about the Christians that want to be carried everywhere with no effort on their part, no standing, no walking by faith, just expecting others to carry them and their burdens! They develop no prayer life of their own, but want everybody else to do all the praying and praising the Lord! To stand you must develop a regular prayer life, praying in the Spirit, praising the Lord, and interceding for others! These are the “free loaderChristians!” they want a free ride with no responsibility!
Ephesians 6: 10-18 is a definite must read and powerful to give you the power to stand against it all! “Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the POWER OF HIS MIGHT! Notice here in verse 10 that your strength is in the Lord, and in the power of HIS MIGHT! God never, ever loses, and you will not lose as you abide and walk in the POWER OF HIS MIGHT! God is stronger than all we face! His power is totally greater than all disease and sickness, and demon oppression! When the devil was in heaven as Lucifer and tried to go above God, he FELL LIKE LIGHTENING DOWN OUT OF HEAVEN, and is now doomed in judgement to he’ll and the lake of fire at the appointed time!
Now verse 11 starts the instruction on what to do in order to stand! “Put on the WHOLE armor of God, that you may be able (have the ability) to stand against the wiles (crafty ways of the accuser) of the devil! You cannot afford to let even one piece of the armor of God off for that will make you vulnerable to the devil and his crafty ways he tries to trick, deceive, lie and cheat us out of what God has for us! Always go to the promises of God, and believe them, say them with your name in it, and pray them into performances!
Verse 12 says For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness (wicked spirits) in high places. So when we fight people it is not where the real battle is, or how to stand, and overcome! We win as we go in spiritual warfare over all wicked spirits in every realm, in the heavenly places, in this earth, and under the earth, and bind them! Bring DOWN the strongholds, bring THEM into captivity!
To stand you MUST put on the helmet of salvation, the helmet of hope! God is the God of ALL hope by the power of the Holy Spirit! The promises of God cover the present and the future! Don’t be disquieted within me, oh my soul, but HOPE in God! God promises future good! Our hope is in Jesus! Then faith is the substance of things hoped for! Hopelessness causes many to fall and not stand for they give up when they could have had the blessing of God had they STOOD by faith!
Your feet are to be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace! When you live and move and are led by the peace of God, you are able to stand against all the wiles of the devil, and nothing rattles you, NOTHING! Your waist is girded with truth, and you have on the breastplate of righteousness! You are clothed with the robe of righteousness of Jesus, and the sword of the Spirit that is the Word of God! So now there is NO condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus so believe it because of what the blood of Jesus does for you in cleansing you from ALL unrighteousness! Put the sword of the Spirit in your mouth, even the WORD OF GOD, SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD! It will cut all the devices of the devil to pieces and make you strong as you believe it, meditate on it, and speak it in faith!
Now we come to the most important piece of armor there is! ABOVE ALL…. ABOVE ALL…. ABOVE ALL, taking the SHIELD OF FAITH with which YOU SHALL BE ABLE TO QUENCH ALL THE FIERY DARTS OF THE WICKED ONE! Oh, praise Jesus my dear friends take hold of faith that came by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! I said this before, but it is good to say it again: Back some years I worked in a machine and tool shop, and a man worked with us that had backslid and had many, many demons controlling his mind! I was working at a grinding machine and the Holy Spirit had me look up to see him coming at me gripping a two by four piece of wood about four feet long, and he brought it back in a full swing to knock my brains out!!! I just STOOD there in faith and peace and SAID: “THE SHIELD OF FAITH QUENCHES ALL THE FIERY DARTS OF SATAN!” Over and over he swung that board at me and every time it bounced off something invisible about a foot out from me… THE SHIELD OF FAITH! Praise God, this gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful and works every time! I had to stand in faith, and I won!
Boxers cannot win laying down, but they MUST STAND and FIGHT! God says to fight the GOOD fight of FAITH! 1 Timothy 6:12.. Laying hold of eternal life! STOP laying down and fainting! That’s when we say we “cannot take it any more!” when we say “we are just a failure and should just eat worms and die” then we are playing right into the devil’s hands for he is the one behind everything that is going against us and is trying to get us to give up! I have cast demons of giving up out of the flesh of Christians! Galatians 6:9: “And let us NOT be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not!” Worn out shoes are not good for anything, but to be thrown out, and God says if salt loses it’s savor it is good for nothing except to be cast out, and we who believe are called the salt of the earth!
We have all dealt with a lot this year, and it would be easy to to give up and throw in the towel, lay down and die, or wish to die (demons of death wish)! In due season you WILL REAP IF YOU FAINT NOT! It takes a special breed to RISE ABOVE IT ALL IN JESUS, and refuse to give up; REFUSE to be weary in well doing! Right now demons of wariness of the flesh and spirit are bound and going out in Jesus name!!!
Refuse all the lies of people, presidents, naysayers, and demons, and DO ALL TO STAND, AND STAND VICTORIOUS OVER THE WORLD, THE FLESH, AND THE DEVIL!!!
2Corinthians 10:4: “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but MIGHTY through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting DOWN imaginations, and EVERY high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity EVERY thought to the obedience of Christ!
Some of you have been seriously wrestling with spirits of defeat and defeatism! You wake up feeling defeated, and go to sleep feeling defeated like it is your lot in life! STOP IT NOW IN JESUS NAME AND BE LOOSED! Demons of defeat and defeatism are leaving very quickly and you will know Holy Spirit renewal in your spirit, soul, and body in Jesus name!
Let’s start PRAISING GOD daily more than ever for His great goodness and mercy!, Rejoice in Jesus Christ and have no confidence in the flesh! As you praise the Lord, He will inhabit and live in that praise and the presence of God will be all over you, and in HIS PRESENCE IS FULNESS OF JOY!! Praise God forever and ever! He is worthy to be praised! His goodness forevermore endures!
Take the attitude of a WINNER, and OVERCOMER, for Jesus CONQUERED IT ALL, and Handed you the keys of the kingdom that unlock all the blessing there are! I AM what God SAYS I AM, I HAVE WHAT GOD SAYS I HAVE, and I will overcome it all for I walk in the victory of Jesus! I pray the promises of God into performances and have NO confidence in the energy of the flesh, and it is NOT BY MIGHT OR MY OWN POWER, BUT BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD that this mountain shall be REMOVED!
Thank you Jesus for all you are doing for all my friends here on the blog church of believers! Thank you Lord for our new president and all the turn around for good that you are doing now and next year restoring all that has been eaten away!,, I rebuke disease, virus, and death, poverty and lack! Thank you Jesus for taking care of it all! Bless your faithful people with the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and adds NO sorrow with it! AMEN!