People change, things change, situations change, even the seasons change, but there is ONE who NEVER changes even JESUS CHRIST! Hebrews 13:8 “JESUS CHRIST THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER”! Think about that! When you truly get the revelation of Jesus Christ you will KNOW THAT YOU KNOW that everything is going to turn for the good for you as you constantly believe in Jesus, and who He is, and what He does, and will continue for eternity for it is impossible for Jesus to change, for the Word establishes He is the same from yesterday, today, and forever shall be!
In the book of Acts Jesus had risen from the dead and instructed the disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit to come and fill them. After He went up to heaven and a cloud received Him out of their sight. There were two men in white apparel and they spoke in Acts 1:11 and said: “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This SAME Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in just the same way as you have saw Him go into heaven.” this SAME Jesus, NOT one like Him, or an impersonator, but this SAME Jesus!
Some today say they know and love Jesus, but they really cannot know THIS SAME JESUS for they believe that Jesus is letting them be sick to teach precious lessons, when in REALITY JESUS CHRIST HEALED ALL THAT WERE oppressed of the devil, and JESUS NEVER CHANGES, so what He did, He does, and EVER will do! JESUS CHRIST IS THE HEALER, YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER! JESUS CHRIST IS THE DELIVERER! He cast out demons by the Spirit of God, and idiots with unbelief accuse of casting demons out by Beelzebub, prince of demons! It is the same today! Those with no power and unbelief falsely accuse those who have the power of God and cast out demons of doing it by a wrong spirit! SINCE JESUS IS THE SAME TODAY AS YESTERDAY, I SAY TO THE SKEPTICS OF RELIGIOSITY, WITCHCRAFT spirits of unbelief, and false accusation WHAT JESUS SAID…WE CAST OUT demons by the SPIRIT OF GOD, NO DOUBT, THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS COME TO YOU! If Satan cast out Satan, he would be done! Demons cannot cast out demons according to what JESUS CHRIST SAID!
Some preach greed and covetousness as if it were what everyone should be doing and as normal! God said covetousness is idolatry, and greed is sin and foolishness. The man who gave no thought of God, but was just saying how he would build bigger and bigger barns and get more and more did not realize that he was a fool, and that very night his soul would be required of him, and then God said: “Whose will those things be”? In other words people that lust after money and things one day will not be able to take one bit of it into eternity!
Now, God has abundant blessings for us in every area of our lives and will supply every need as we keep our eyes on Jesus, worship God in the Spirit and have no confidence in the flesh! Remember how He said to “seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things you have need of will be added to you”?
Some worship money and power instead of worshipping God in Spirit and in truth! They will surely lose out for JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER, and honors true faith, not greed, or covetousness!
True believers in JESUS CHRIST do not seek to control others, but point them to Jesus Christ as the author and finisher of their faith! When man tries to steady “the ark of God’s covenant” it produces death! They died instantly! It is so dangerous when people touch God’s anointed or His glory! One time someone was visiting a park where there were deer, and he saw a mother deer kicking her fawn to death, so he inquired of the park ranger why this was happening. He explained that someone had touched the fawn and the human scent on the fawn registered as a tainted defective fawn, and it produced death. I say to ALL those who are touching the glory of God in these last days: “GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE MOVE OF GOD FOR DOING THAT PRODUCES DEATH”! People die because of false teaching and false teachers that bring in lies about Jesus as they alter the Word…they add to and take away from the Word of God, and God says that their names will be taken out of the Lamb’s book of life in Revelation!
There will be healing and deliverance when believers are humbling themselves under the hand of God for they give ALL the glory to God! The false prophets will not be able to deliver a flea! They are clouds without rain, and are tossed to and fro carried about by every wind (spirit) of false doctrines! They are double minded and won’t receive anything of the Lord, unstable in all their ways!
JESUS CHRIST always brings PEACE, HOPE, AND LOVE! THIS IS WHAT HE DID WHEN ON EARTH AND IS THE SAME TODAY… HE HASN’T CHANGED! Jesus saw a man with a withered hand, and said for him to stretch out his hand…something he couldn’t do in the natural…, but as the man exercised faith he stretched out his hand, and as he did it grew out as normal as the other hand! Healing will come now for those who have been hindered by man, and his false doctrines and hypocrisy as you simply believe that JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER!
I HATE the spirits of hypocrisy that operate in many so called “churches”, false pastors, and people today! Jesus hated and hates hypocrisy today as He did yesterday and will tomorrow! Hypocrites do NOT care about the people they oppress and mislead! Jesus REBUKED the hypocrites and their hypocrisy for they tried to lay heavy burdens on people that they themselves could not and didn’t carry! A hypocrite says he loves God, but really loves money, and when one loves money, that love of money is the root of all evil! It is o.k. To have money, but NOT o.k. For money to have you! There are those who tell you to send them hundreds and thousands of dollars so you can be right with God and receive from God! Meanwhile they have a “stash” of jets worth millions, but just have to have that new super jet with all the luxuries possible! Pa..a…a….LEASE! Give me a break! This is the “golden calf religion” all over again!
I loose every true believer hungry for God to go free right NOW from all the oppression of hypocrites and the spirits of hypocrisy in the MIGHTY, ALL POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, WHO IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER! JESUS CHRIST IS THE HEALER AND HE HEALS YOU NOW OF all bursitis, pain, and sorrow! Backs will straighten out now and short legs and arms grow out as the healing power of God goes through you in the name of Jesus! There is someone having a lot of thoughts of suicide, but Jesus loves you and sets you free completely from every spirit of suicide and the thoughts of suicide! These are not thoughts that originate from your own mind, but are being forced in there by spirits of suicide in the flesh! Those spirits of suicide are COMPLETELY BOUND AND HELPLESS AND GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! PRAISE YOU JESUS!
JESUS IS HEALING AND DELIVERING MANY FROM BROKEN HEART, and spirits of hurts! You have been through a lot, even more than you have told anyone, and the battle has been intense, but JESUS wants you to KNOW that He is FAR GREATER THAN ANYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH, AND IS BRINGING YOU OUT ON THE OTHER SIDE VICTORIOUS, AND WITH A NEW SONG IN YOUR MOUTH, EVEN PRAISE TO OUR GOD! Thank you Jesus, you are so good!
Be made whole in the name of Jesus from your head to your toes! Those who have been putting off getting saved, repent and ask Jesus into your heart, believe that God has raised Him from the dead, and confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, and you will be saved!
Those needing the Holy Spirit begin to praise God now and ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit! Now open your mouth and speak to God in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance!
Praise God everyone we are winners not losers, overcomers, washed in the blood of Jesus, the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus with authority and power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us!