End Time Grace…IN GOD WE TRUST

God has grace to help IN the time of need, right NOW not someday! Whatever we face in this generation in any walk of life, on any job, anywhere, and in every situation God’s grace is available through faith in Jesus Christ to see us through in victory!

In Peter where God says” the “end” of all things is at hand” that word means apex or culmination! So as we near the coming of Jesus to take His bride up we see evil coming to a culmination …people doing what is right in their own sight as it was in the days of Noah! ….as it was so shall it be in this end time … And the time of the coming of the Son of man! God is never taken by surprise and the GREATEST outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the end time will be so strong that nothing evil will be able to stand for the anointing will drive those spirits out and bring great victory over all the works of the devil!

God says that the one who trusts in man is cursed. The one who truly trusts, believes steadfastly in Jesus is BLESSED! Christians need to decide who they are going to put their trust in! Elijah said to God’s people: “How long are you going to halt between two opinions”! “If baal be God then serve him ; If THE LORD be GOD serve Him”! They were ” indecisive” and stopped cold in between two opposing ways of thinking and believing between a false god and the TRUE LIVING GOD who answers prayer with signs and wonders following!

Now it is HIGH time to awake from sleep and awake to righteousness! How long will people stay in dead churches listening to messages of unbelief stuffed with permissive will and excuse after excuse why they have NO power, and cast out NO demons, and heal NO sick? So you have a church full of sick, bound, oppressed, vexed, blinded, deafened, spiritually dead people who praise not the Lord, and if they do pray they are empty vain repetitions that bounce right off the ceiling and go nowhere, for God answers no prayers of unbelief! What will it take for you to realize you have been listening to the garbage of the devil’s lies and deception and need to REPENT and be cleansed by the blood of Jesus?

How long will you halt between spiritual death and THE ABUNDANT LIFE IN JESUS ? How long will you listen to preachers of the permissive will false doctrine that tell you God permitted all the mess and sickness to “teach” you precious lessons? How long will you choose sickness over God’s healing power and anointing? How long will you put up with the oppression of the devil? If you are ready for the blessing of the Lord that makes rich an adds NO sorrow with it put your will with God’s Word and decide to walk in and by faith, and Jesus will be there with arms outstretched saying: ” Come to me ALL you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest”!

In 1 Kings 18 the people of God were bound with the spirits of baalism and its false prophets prophesying their false frantic prophesies as they cut themselves in worship in a dead religion of baalism. Elijah challenged the false prophets, who were clouds without rain, and said the God that ANSWERS by FIRE He is God! Of course the false prophets jumped around, shouted and even cut themselves to get an answer…..but NO fire came…NO results! Sound familiar?

Preachers preach their twisted word as if it is true, but in actuality it is unbelief filled with lies and deceit. It becomes a “form” of godliness that DENIES THE POWER THEREOF! They CANNOT get anyone healed or delivered, and are like Samson when he broke the covenant of God by letting them cut his hair, and lost the POWER OF GOD, and was blinded and could do no more miracles of divine strength, but shook himself as before….went through the motions ….but could NOT break the bondage of the enemy!

Elijah prepares the sacrifice, and pours a lot of water on it and saturated it where water fills the trench. The false prophets went all through the day with their empty prophesying, but Elijah prays a prayer that takes 5 seconds to pray and the FIRE OF GOD COMES DOWN AND BURNS UP THE SACRIFICE, THE STONES, THE WOOD, THE DIRT, AND THE WATER, AND THE PEOPLE BOW TO THE GROUND AND SAY THE LORD, HE IS THE GOD!

Let every mouth be shut of those who oppose the TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! Let God be true and every man a liar! It is HIGH TIME TO AWAKE OUT OF SLEEP AND BELIEVE GOD! Jesus Christ is Lord and every sickness, disease, bondage, poverty, false religion, false prophesy, unbelief, permissive will, deception, lies and all the demons behind it all MUST BOW TO JESUS NAME AND LEAVE YOU NOW AS THE MIRACLE WONDER WORKING POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST ANOINTING DESTROYS THE yoke of bondage!

“Show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by what it does!” The modern day prophets of baal are out there trying to “work” up a miracle and cannot do it! A man came on the blog recently and told of a tremendous miracle that happened years ago in a miracle service we held where Jesus put arches in their young son’s feet that were flat right before their eyes. I told them to keep their eyes open so they could watch God work and do the works He did! He said that his son went on to become a tremendous athlete and could do what he could not have without that miracle! Praise Jesus, real faith works and produces what God’s Word says it will!

Count on God’s Word this year no matter what it looks like or whatever it looks like the enemy is trying to do for we serve the God that ANSWERS by FIRE, and the naysayers have NOTHING to say about it! AMEN!

James 2 …Faith without works is dead being alone…show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by works! Faith produces miracles that God promises! You that preach an empty word with no signs wonders and miracles that God promises, that people need, are NOT preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, for Jesus IS the HEALER AND DELIVERER AND IS FOREVER THE SAME, YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER!


“Do not focus on whatever goes on with the tumult at hand, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God!” One thing, not the only thing, is that GOD is GREATER than all the opposition that is going on right now or in the future. So, put your continued faith in the MASTER, EVEN JESUS CHRIST who never fails and is an EVER PRESENT HELP in the time of trouble! I have a simple, STRONG faith in Jesus and HE is the author and finisher of my faith and will do what NO other power can do. God has made parts of people’s bodies work perfectly, when before they were totally messed up. The x-ray would show crushed bone, yet the person’s hand worked perfectly with no pain or ill effect.

Our God is a miracle wonder working God, so take the limits off God and do NOT go by what it looks like or sounds like in the natural. Also, remember that when man exalts himself, he WILL be brought down and abased. I think I said enough that you get my drift, so go around thanking Jesus for the answer. Remember, no matter what comes or goes, God’s grace is sufficient for us and will lift us up above it all. Where sin abounds, GRACE does MUCH more ABOUND. The word for abound means “more than can be measured!” Go around singing songs about God’s grace! “I know his grace is sufficient for me, and His love so abundant and free, and what joy floods my soul just to know, just to know, that His grace is sufficient for me!”

Praise God, His GRACE is AMAZING! Grace is God’s unmerited favor and blessing and Jesus came FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH! You will NOT give up the ghost and you will make it for: “Though the mountains roar and be carried into the midst of the sea we will trust in the name of the Lord our God!”

He it is that does tread our enemies under us!

“Fear NOT, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom!”

I bind every contrary ungodly spirit at work in this situation and crush them in the name of Jesus Christ and speak to the storm and rebuke it and say Peace be still! Rise up you strong and possess the land for Holy Ghost boldness fills you now and every spirit of fear, dread, frustration and vexation goes out RIGHT in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Laodicea is blind: Revelation 3

This is the church that is lukewarm, not hot or cold, so God says He will spit them out of His mouth, yet they say they are rich, increased with goods and have need of nothing. No, they are wretched, poor, miserable, naked and blind and don’t know it! A people that are blind, but say they see. They are deceived, and need deliverance! God says they need heavenly riches from Him to be truly rich, and white clothing from Him, and eye salve that they would see!

An example of this lives in many churches, pastors, deacons and church people who say they are saved and blessed, yet believe the abominable false doctrine of permissive will, erroneously believing that God is permitting awful diseases and catastrophes to teach them precious lessons! What lessons? Lessons on “how to die with miserable demonic diseases”? Remember the Laodicean church says they see, but are BLIND, wretched, miserable, poor, naked and need deliverance as the eye salve of heaven is applied!

One girl that went to one such church could not receive deliverance for their church was blinded by a spirit of unbelief and did not SEE that Christians have need of deliverance and could not cast out one demon if they were asked to for they live by unbelief and NOT by faith. She had a demon of “partial faith,” which is unbelief, for faith is faith and with God there is no such thing as partial faith! She could see and believe the scripture that said God forgives all our sins, but could not see or believe the second part of the verse that says God heals ALL our diseases! So, she did without her healing because of these demons and their false doctrine!

God is not a “partial” God, or a “sometimes” God. He is ALL POWERFUL, AND IS RICH TOWARD ALL THAT CALL ON HIM IN FAITH, AND IS WITH US ALWAYS. HE IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER! “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who came and healed ALL that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him!” Acts10:38 Hmmmm, what does the word ALL mean? It means All. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES! But the condition here is that you believe. When you do not believe, you will not have all your needs met and it is NOT GOD withholding any good thing. He will NOT withhold any good thing from those that walk uprightly by and in faith! Psalm 84

Now to a key verse that will open up so much to those that believe: “The BLESSING of the Lord MAKES RICH, and He adds NO SORROW WITH IT!” Proverbs 10:22 When THERE is sorrow, it is NOT the blessing of God and God is not in it! The BLESSING OF God makes RICH! There are spiritual blessings that unlock every blessing in every realm and make you rich spiritually in Jesus and then you can handle everything in life! Ephesians 1:3 says that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus! God is RICH to ALL that call on Him! Romans10:10. He gives us the riches of His grace through Jesus Christ! Ephesians 2:7.

The Laodiceans think they are rich because they say they are rich and have need of nothing, but how many people have you known that have millions of dollars yet there is no joy for they do not have the true riches of God’s glory and grace!

Unbelief is the enemy of the true church of Jesus Christ and unbelief blinds people where they think they have everything they need while Jesus is on the outside knocking saying that IF they would hear Him and open the door, He would come in and they would walk through life victorious because they are fellowshipping with THE MASTER!

The Laodicean church thinks hey are ok the way they are….without the power of God manifesting, without the signs, wonders, and miracles God said we would have when we believe! They erroneously think they are right with God when in reality they put Jesus on the outside and He is “THE LIVING WORD”! And God said: “He sent His WORD and healed them and delivered them from their destructions!” Psalm 107:20

Whatever you do this year be a person of the Word of God, the Word of Faith, believing the Word, speaking the Word, doing the Word and you will be blessed in your doing and possess the true riches of God’s grace that will see you through and supply ALL your need!

If you have been bound by spirits of unbelief and want to go free there is deliverance right now for you in the name of Jesus! If you were taught the false doctrine of permissive will and believed all the evil was permitted by God, then you played the part of a victim. Victims just put up with the devil’s torments with no hope of relief in sight through the false doctrine of permissive will that lets them think God permitted it to teach them something. NO. A THOUSAND TIMES NO! God’s Word IS His will and His Word says that by His stripes you are healed! 1 Peter 2:24. His Word says to ask in Faith nothing wavering for when you waver you are double minded and will not receive anything of the Lord, but when you ask in faith believing you will receive what God has promised!

When you take up the shield of faith, YOU are able to quench ALL the fiery darts (flaming missiles) of the devil! Praise God, Faith works, for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17!

I am going to pray for you now and wherever you are and Jesus will walk into your life when you invite Him! If you never accepted Jesus as your Savior, ask Him to save you now and believe on Him and say that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe that God has raised Him from the dead and you WILL BE SAVED. PRAISE GOD!

If you were a part of a Laodicean church and want to be free from all its false doctrines and unbelief and spiritual blindness, then I bind every demon of the false churches, false doctrines, and spiritual blindness and they MUST GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Be loosed spirit, soul, and body and be FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT NOW WITH THE EVIDENCE OF SPEAKING IN OTHER TONGUES (languages of the Holy Spirit.)

Praise God, there is VICTORY IN THE AIR AND DELIVERANCE, FOR THE DELIVERER HAS COME TO CHURCH! Take off all the limits and Let God arise and His enemies will be SCATTERED. You will be set free, and God will be glorified and magnified! Psalm 34:3 says “Oh, magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together.”

OVERCOMING the Firestorm

Firestorms are crazy bad! They develop their own wind that empowers the fire and then it causes widespread devastation such as in the California wild fires. They pull in winds from every direction, a strong draft that is sustained by unruly winds created by a strong draft of rising HOT air from all sides. Just think of it as a “storm” made out of a destructive killer fire that just keeps being fanned internally until it destroys everything in its path in a very broad area. A firestorm can happen after a bombing such as Hiroshima where the firestorm after the atomic blast leveled Hiroshima!

Have you felt as if there has been an intense opposition organized against you? Has it been as if it is coming from “all sides.” Has the battle seemed endless, ongoing? Has it seemed as if it all started with a huge blast of evil coming against you?

You have been battling a devilish “firestorm” and need to believe God and follow what He says do to OVERCOME it ALL in the name of Jesus!

The first scripture that came to me was: “The name of the Lord is a STRONG TOWER; the righteous RUN into it and are SAFE!” Proverbs 18:10. RUN, RUN, RUN INTO THE NAME ABOVE EVERY name: the name of JESUS! Jesus conquered sin, death, the grave, and satan himself! Jesus is your Savior, healer, deliverer, and will keep you as you believe in Him and the power of His name! All the power of God backs the name of Jesus! We have authority OVER ALL evil through and by the name of Jesus! “Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered”! Joel 2:32

Now when you call on the name of Jesus and speak in authority in His name to bind demons and STOP the firestorm you MUST do it in FAITH BELIEVING, and NOT in permissive will, doubting and unbelief!

How can you expect results needed if you say: “I pray in the name of Jesus and maybe something good will happen or maybe it won’t?” Or, “I speak in authority over the demons behind this firestorm in the name of Jesus, unless maybe He permitted all this sickness and evil to teach me a precious lesson”?

NOW LISTEN TO WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS TO THIS: “If any of you lack wisdom, let that person ask of God who gives liberally, and without finding fault, and it will be given you. But let that person ask in faith nothing wavering , for the one who wavers is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that person think that they will receive ANYTHING of the Lord. A double minded person is unstable in all their ways!” James 1:5-8. When people pray “maybe God will or maybe God won’t” prayers of permissive will-unbelief, doubt prayers of wavering back and forth they won’t receive anything of the Lord and are unstable in all their ways and are double minded! NO THANKS, SIRS… I BELIEVE GOD …and when I pray in faith believing I will receive what God has promised!

Now, back to the firestorm; the demonic firestorm is coming to rob, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give us ABUNDANT LIFE, and has ALREADY DEFEATED EVERY firestorm that comes against us when He died on the cross for us and rose from the dead VICTORIOUS OVER death, hell, and the grave….”death where is your sting…grave where is your victory”! 1 Corinthians 15:55

Now one source of the firestorms is the tongue! James 3 says: “The tongue is a small member of our body, but makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue IS a FIRE, a WORLD of iniquity (evil): so is the tongue among our members, that it defiles the whole body, and sets on FIRE the course of nature (course of one’s life) and IS set on FIRE of hell!” Words can be fire from hell that will become a destructive firestorm that would bring much devastation unless WE STOP IT BY THE POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND SPEAKING WORDS OF FAITH AS WE TAKE AUTHORITY OVER ALL evil spirits and their wicked plans and assault! But STOP the firestorm we will as we BIND ALL the evil behind it and SHUT IT DOWN IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

Now remember God did not say you will have what everybody or anybody else says, but that you will have WHATEVER YOU SAY when you believe in your heart! I say the firestorms that have come are defeated and crushed by the name of Jesus and e POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST ANOINTING! I say you are healed from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet! I say you cannot go under for going over and what the evil one meant for evil against you WILL BE TURNED AROUND FOR GOOD BY JESUS CHRIST AND FAITH IN HIM! I SAY THAT THE tormenting spirits that have tormented you many nights are BOUND AND LEAVING YOU NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS. I SAY THAT EVERY fiery evil word spoken against you IS SQUISHED, DEMOLISHED, CRUSHED, AND COMES TO NOTHING AS WE CONDEMN ALL OF IT!



Never doubt and refuse to waver and do NOT accept the evil others have spoken, but rather BELIEVE GOD for His Word never lies, and you will rise up and possess the land (your God given inheritance in Jesus.)


You haven’t seen anything yet compared to what Jesus is going to do in, for, and by you this New Year 2018!

The glory of God will come very strong for those who BELIEVE! When the glory of God shows up disease and sickness melt away, deliverance flows and the enemies of the Lord are driven out and scattered as dust blown by the wind!

You will know that you know what to do at the direction of the Holy Spirit and the things that seemed so hard will be so easy and you will say: “Look what the Lord has done!”

We need to believe for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit…not just believe the Holy Spirit is there! When the Holy Spirit manifests the gifts of the Spirit operate in knowledge, wisdom,gifts of healing, discerning, prophesy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, faith,and working of miracles ! 1 Corinthians 12.

People who doubt will continue to do without, but those who truly believe God’s Word will be blessed with more than enough! Those who continue in the unbelieving abominable false doctrine of “permissive will” will continue to be sick and oppressed with no remedy from God for God only honors faith in His Word that states we were and are healed by the stripes Jesus took for us! God does NOT turn around and say…but He will allow sickness to teach you! NO, A THOUSAND TIMES NO, that would make God double minded and a liar, which, of course He is NOT! Jesus does what He promised and the Holy Spirit anointing will destroy the yoke of bondage so believe to receive God’s BEST and do NOT settle for less!

God loves for us to come to Him in faith  believing and ask BIG for He said to come to Him all that labor and are heavy laden and HE WILL give you REST! The rest of the Lord is where all the provision of God is, and He said : “Those that believe do enter into REST”! This is why those full of unbelief spirits cannot rest….they do NOT believe!


Jesus, thank you for all your people and that you are loosing them to believe and receive your very best! In the name of Jesus be loosed from the past and every demon bondage that has held you back! Every demon of fear must go out now in Jesus name, every demon of the fear of failure and failure goes out with the others! I bind all demons of calamity and destruction, out you go in Jesus name! All spirits of unbelief and false doctrines of demons including the false doctrine of permissive will are bound and go out now in Jesus name! Praise God! Thank you Jesus! You that have wrestled with pain, sickness, oppression for a long time REJOICE IN JESUS for HE IS YOUR DELIVERER AND HEALER, YOUR PROVIDER AND SAVIOR! Praise you Jesus for the finances turning around for the good this year!

Now having done all to stand, STAND STRONG IN FAITH BELIEVING for what God promised He does!

THE HAPPIEST OF NEW YEARS TO ALL! I pray the love of God is shed abroad in your hearts by the Holy Ghost! Amen!



Now is the time of salvation, today is the day when God is turning your mourning into dancing and your sorrow into JOY! God gives you the garment of PRAISE instead of the spirit of heaviness! As you even now begin to PRAISE AND THANK THE LORD AND WEAR THAT GARMENT OF PRAISE TO GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL COME ON YOU AND RISE UP WITHIN YOU AND SET YOU FREE AND SET YOUR FEET A DANCING AND SET YOUR HEART A DANCING TOO!


Jesus has a joy overflowing for you that exceeds everything negative there has been in your life. Count it ALL joy. No matter what has gone against you, COUNT IT ALL JOY for God is turning it ALL AROUND FOR GOOD and what the enemy meant for evil will be turned to good as Jesus moves by His Spirit! By His Spirit the mountain standing against you WILL be removed.


At a certain season God would send an angel to trouble the waters in a pool and the first person in would be healed of whatever was wrong!

Now God sends healing delivering angels all over the world to stir the waters of faith and as you plunge in the healing delivering joy of the Lord will heal and deliver. Open your mouth and by faith begin to laugh at the devil….come on..HA…HA..HA…HAHAHAHAHAHA, the devil is the loser and through Jesus we are the winners, for Jesus came to Earth and died for us. He redeemed us and cleansed us and took all our sin away by His blood and now there is NO condemnation to those in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit!

We now have the JOY OF THE LORD, FOR WE BELIEVED ON, AND RECEIVED JESUS CHRIST INTO OUR HEARTS! He did it all for us that we would be filled with His Spirit and be FILLED WITH JOY!

The world thinks they are celebrating when they have their parties and drink alcohol to try and forget how miserable they really are inside for a night, but then the next day is the same miserableness inside plus the hangover! So no matter what or how or why the world and world churches add to and take away from the Word of God this season, we who KNOW AND BELIEVE ON JESUS CHRIST CELEBRATE JESUS, AND CELEBRATE HIM COMING HERE TO EARTH TO SAVE US AND FILL US WITH ALL JOY AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST.

I loose the joy of the Holy Ghost on all who believe on Jesus now. Be freed from all that is not joy and praise Jesus who is GREATER THAN all things and GREATER THAN ALL your needs!




Sometimes we just plain need a miracle from God and nothing else will do! Do NOT let yourself feel like you are bothering God or like you have to beg God for something. Jesus freely GIVES us all things. II Corinthians Chapter 3 says that as we behold Jesus image as in a mirror–the mirror of the Word of God–we are changed from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord! In other words we are to have a glory of God-filled life with abundant life and ALL the miracles we need!

Psalm 84:11 says “The Lord God is a sun and shield, He will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those that walk uprightly.” When God shines on you, His light drives out the darkness! It is NOT the glory of God when believers are bound, tormented, or sick and oppressed. The glory of God is when there are miracles of healing and deliverance and restoration!

Those who received great miracles in the Word of God were people of action! They didn’t sit around waiting for a miracle to fall on them, but they went after the miracles from God they needed. Those who are in unbelief today sit and wait to see “if” God would perhaps smile on them someday, somehow, and maybe and bring the healing, deliverance or provision they need! They erroneously believe God is permitting awful diseases to teach them precious lessons and then when God thinks they suffered enough, maybe a miracle will come! That is sadistic false doctrines of demons designed to keep people from receiving the miracles they need! I have known of people who believed that doctrine and they died way before their time with sickness, all because they believed the lies a preacher spoke, who didn’t know or have the power of God and who didn’t know the authority believers have in the name of Jesus!

The woman with the issue of blood suffered many years, but in her weakened condition, when she heard of Jesus, pressed her way through the crowd saying that if she could just touch the hem of His garment she would be healed! The crowd was all around Jesus pushing yet when she touched the hem of His garment in faith He knew healing virtue went out of Him and she was made whole. Nobody had prayed for her or laid hands on her! Jesus did not know her or pray for her. It was her FAITH in Jesus and ACTION on that faith that brought healing!

God said faith without works is dead being alone. Another way to say that is “faith without the accompanying actions is dead.” Words are faith’s way of expressing itself, and acting on the Word, such as when the woman with the issue of blood pressed through the crowd and touched the hem of His garment, brings the power of God and produces miracles in you! Jesus told her that her faith had made her whole and to go in peace!

When ministering healing I have told people “now do what you couldn’t do before in Jesus name.” One lady had bad back problems and very difficult to move and when she touched the hem of His garment by faith she took off literally running around the inside of the church and as she ran by a number of other people were healed in their seats when she ran by. Praise God. Don’t limit God! Reach out to Jesus for He is already reaching out to you.

God does not want us living from need to need or sickness to sickness, but from faith to faith and glory to glory! It is the glory of God when miracles happen in our lives. Whatever God tells you to do, do it and watch the power of God make you and others whole!

Do NOT base your faith on other people’s experience: if someone got sick and died, that has nothing to do with you or what God promises in His Word! Some try to throw cold water on healing by saying how certain people who were Christians got sick and died, etc., but Jesus is the only author and finisher of our faith, and God says in 1 Peter 2:24 “by His stripes we were healed!” Your healing was already purchased on the cross by Jesus, and therefore it is already DONE! So it is NOT about “trying” to get healed, because you already are healed. It is up to us to believe it and receive it and walk in it!



SOARING ABOVE the “past”

We all have one…a past! What we used to be we are no more when Jesus comes in our heart! We used to be sinners, unsaved, bound, demonized, oppressed, and on a one way ticket down! In an unregenerate state people accept sickness and pain, catastrophes, oppression as normal because that is all they know! When we make Jesus the Lord of our lives “all things are new and becoming new”!

Now sickness and pain are NOT normal or to be accepted for Jesus bore all our sin, pain, sickness, disease, and oppression on the cross! Be VERY careful what you “accept” as normal for Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law and has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Him! BLESSED, BLESSED, BLESSED, BLESSED! Blessed coming in and going out; blessed standing up and sitting down, blessed in the city and in the country, blessed in every way, every day!

We need to break bad habits of belief and speech concerning things of the past! Just because something that is bad has happened every year or 29 times or whatever, does NOT mean it has to keep happening! Jesus Christ is Lord and He will deliver you from ALL evil! Stop saying: ” I don’t know why this always has to happen to me! ” It does NOT have to keep happening! The first thing to do is to change your believing. Believe what God says about you in Psalm 91!

God has you covered in Psalm 91 , you are delivered before anything evil tries to hit! It is God’s Preventative medicine: He heals you before you are sick, delivers you before any calamity falls, and goes before you and makes the crooked places straight cutting the bars of iron and breaking in pieces the gates of brass…no bondage can hold you down! The list goes on and on of the absolute protective active coverage God does for you when you make Him your refuge and dwelling place! He said no evil would befall you!

So no matter if some evil has happened to you a million times it DOES NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN EVER AGAIN as you put your foot down on the usurper devil’s head and squish it while saying: “NO MORE!” Change your believing now to what God says in Psalm 91 and all the promises in His Word!
The devil is behind all evil and he has no right to oppress you as a believer in Jesus Christ! The cross cancelled all satan’s claims!

Your past good, bad, or ugly is OVER and you are made free from it by the blood of Jesus! You are the redeemed! failures are behind you, defeats are behind you, sickness, accidents, oppression, torment, confusion, sin ALL overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony! Watch what you say! One man of God said we testify of what the Word says the blood of Jesus does for us! Actually we have a NEW LIFE AND ABUNDANT LIFE instead of the old life and abundant death through sin! You are redeemed from the hand of the enemy by the blood of Jesus! Now you are a child of God and everything that belongs to Jesus is yours for you are kin the family of God…you belong…no longer a reject so refuse the demons of rejection, guilt, and false condemnation that try to point a finger at you accusing you of past sin, etc. The demons are liars and ALL the promises of God are YES AND AMEN to the glory of God by us!

People sometimes feel there is nothing they can do about the past, but there IS ! #1. BELIEVE what God says about the past….sin is forgiven and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. “By His stripes you were healed”! So no sickness or oppression has any right to you so refuse it, bind it, and cast it out!

#2. Refuse and cast out spirits of false Condemnation and guilt.

“There is therefore NOW NO condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death”. (Romans 8:1,2) No condemnation means no condemnation! Stop listening to the lying spirits that try to make you feel doomed over the past! “He who the Son makes free shall be FREE INDEED!” (John 8:36) You have been made FREE, REALLY FREE FROM ALL the past, all ancestry bondage, all failures, etc. Do NOT EVER say that this sickness and that oppression runs in the family so you will probably have it too! NO A THOUSAND TIMES NO, JUST SAY NO to ancestry bondage and SAY YES TO THE LIBERTY JESUS HAS GIVEN YOU IN HIM, BELIEVE IT, SAY IT, LIVE IT!

#3. Get deliverance from sin recall and memory recall spirits

These demons, especially when in the flesh and not discerned or cast out come up to the mind and speak thoughts to remind you of the bad past. It registers as a thought. Now think about this: if it’s negative and you belong to Jesus who promises abundant life then you have NO business entertaining these demons of negativity and in fact are not obeying the Word of God to let this continue!

Remember where God said to BRING DOWN everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and casting DOWN EVERY high thing, imagination, and thought to the obedience of Christ!. 2 Corinthians 10 !?
It is up to US to DO that, God won’t do your part for you. The fact He says to do this shows we CAN do it by faith in the Word of God and the ability the Holy Spirit gives! Once saved we need to renew our minds by e Word of God and think the way and on what the Word of God says! (Romans 12 )Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is…His good, pleasing, and perfect will!

When we think all day on how rotten things happened how is that going to change us for the good? Thinking on garbage all day, we will feel like, look like, act like the garbage we have been thinking on! When we meditate on the Word of God, think on it, it renews our mind to the way God thinks and produces peace! Then our mind is free from negativity and we can appropriate the promises of God which are ALL YES AND AMEN to the glory of God! God said to purposely think on things that are good, lovely, pure…if there be virtue, and praise THINK ON THESE THINGS! We have to do something with our mind renewing it by the Word of God or we will be bound!

I bind every spirit of sin recall and memory recall that tries to keep the mind on negativity in the name of Jesus and you must gout NOW! I loose everyone to GO FREE NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

#4. Get deliverance from every spirit that came in through past events, trauma, sickness, catastrophes,etc.

When in a state of shock defenses are down and in a weakened state, especially when we lacked knowledge of the Word of God spirits of oppression could have had inroads! Also, before we knew Jesus sometimes demon spirits were in the flesh that were in family lines…these are the ones that try to tell us we have to be bound like our parents were or grandparents, etc. JESUS CHRIST HAS REDEEMED US FROM IT ALL!

So now I bind every spirit that came in from and or caused trauma, shock, oppression, sickness, fears of all kinds from the past. In the name of Jesus all these spirits of oppression and vexation, trouble and anguish MUST GO OUT NOW, IMMEDIATELY!

PRAISE GOD, VICTORY IS IN THE AIR…THINGS THAT bound people all their lives is GOING, burdens are being lifted, you are set free from the effects of ALL hate crimes, someone had ear damage now being healed; another ..legs being healed and feet! The heart condition that was said to be hereditary healed in the name of Jesus! fears of all kinds are going and no longer will the sleep be restless with fear, but you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet! Arthritis, bursitis, and spirits of all kinds of pain are going now so your hands will move freely now! Move your fingers in and out by faith and watch what the power of God has done!

There has been a dark cloud on some people’s minds just weighing you down, very oppressive, obsessive , compulsive, that tried to make it very difficult to think clearly…LEAVING NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! migraines are leaving s well as all headaches! Your back is straightening and the crippling spirits leaving …receive your healing and deliverance! Remember the woman bent over that could not lift herself up 18 years? She had a spirit of infirmity that crippled her and bent her over and she could in no way straighten herself up! Jesus had said to her that she was loosed from her infirmity, laid hands on her and the demon went out and she straightened right up! To all who have been crippled in any kind of way: You ARE LOOSED FROM YOUR infirmity in Jesus name! All kinds of nervous disorders and torments are going now! Praise you Jesus for what you are doing right now, thank you Jesus for a quick work!

Oh, my dear friends you were meant to soar as eagle saints FAR ABOVE IT ALL! From so high you look down and the things that seemed so large and hard to overcome now are so tiny you cannot hardly see them at all if at all! The things that used to testify and bind you now you will hear them SQUISHING under your feet as you walk ALL OVER them! Jesus said He gave you POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER ALL the power of the enemy and nothing will by ANY means hurt you! Praise God, you should be soaring pretty good now so enjoy the flight and keep praising and magnifying Jesus for He it is that does tread the serpents under you and gives complete victory in every area of your life! To God be the glory, great things He has done!

SOARING FAR ABOVE lies, idolatry and deception

Fasten your seat belts we need to soar more than ever to stay ABOVE the mess that is earthly, sensual, and devilish! We are in a spiritual battle against wicked spirits in every realm and they are already defeated but will try and usurp authority that is NOT rightfully theirs to take a place against us that is NOT their place if we do not ENFORCE the victory Jesus has given us!

The devil is the father of lies! There is NO truth in him! By lies the devil deceives and tricks people into believing a bunch of nonsense to keep people from knowing the truth that would set them free!

Then there is idolatry where things or people are exalted above and against the knowledge of the Lord, the Word of God, Jesus Christ! Loving anything more than Jesus, the Word of God is idolatry! Then of course spirits of pride are right there that spurs the idolatry on by puffing up people with the “grandiose false revelations” that they accept as true like they have this “great” revelation that if people do not agree with that they will not be on the “right” side, God’s side!

When man tries to exalt himself and his false revelations above the Word of God remember the Word says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall! Man has “limited” knowledge at best and NOT all knowledge! God is the only one with ALL KNOWLEDGE, ALL KNOWING! God knows the number of hairs on your head, He knows the heartache you just went through this week that He will heal you and deliver you of as you read this now in Jesus name! Jesus knows about the arthritis that is in the back and hands that MUST BOW TO THE NAME OF JESUS NOW AND GO OUT! Thank you Jesus!

But man, trying to speak for God has messed it up royally when there is lies,idolatry, and or deception! Anyone who exalts themselves is NOT in the will of God and is NOT speaking words from the Lord, but can be as Samson who when he lost the anointing went on trying to say and do the same thing as he did before, shaking himself when the philistines came upon him, but with no power, and was blinded and bound and became a slave!

There is ONE at the RIGHT HAND OF GOD and that is JESUS CHRIST! There is NO other redeemer or co- redeemer and NO one else took our sins in their own body on the tree for us and NO one else rose from the dead for us that we could be born again, filled with theHoly Spirit and make heaven our home!

Ministries have crossed a line when they try to throw guilt and fear on people when they tell them that if they do not support a certain politician or president or ruler that ” they are not on the right side or right with God”! You ARE on THE RIGHT SIDE WHEN YOU ARE A BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST, and NO ONE who is NOT saved will be sitting on the right hand of God with Jesus!

JESUS CHRIST IS LORD and NO other! Do NOT let yourself be swayed or affected by the lies of those who speak them as if they were the truth! Some in ministry make a mistake when they start believing that everything that comes to their mind is the Lord! God says to TRY the spirits to see whether it is of God! God says to cast DOWN vain imaginations and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of the Lord, and bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ: 2 Corinthians 10… “though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down strongholds!” Then it goes on to talk about bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. So when it is opposite to the Word, bind it, stomp it and do NOT let it exalt itself against the knowledge of God and get it out!

Those of you who have heard the recent speakings of those who tell you you are not on God’s side unless you agree with them concerning a president and have felt forsaken, let down, and plain angered by the idolatry and lies, please know that you ARE welcome here. WHEN YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS, you are NOT wrong to disagree with those who exalt themselves or others. Just follow the Word of God and you are not alone! God has reserved several thousand who have NOT bowed the knee to baal!

I bind all the spirits of lies, idolatry, and deception and the whole entourage with them and crush it in the name of Jesus Christ and LOOSE EVERY BELIEVER FROM ALL influence of these and all spirits of fear, bondage and torment!



The trouble with people is that something is troubling them and they do not know what it is! God says the wicked are like the sea that is troubled stirs up dirt and mire and they cannot rest! Many that are troubled and cannot rest then trouble others with what is troubling them! Another way to say it is that vexed people vex others! Something is like the sea inside them …always getting stirred up!

So the first question is: “DO YOU WANT PEACE”? If you do not want peace then brace yourself for the devil will make sure you are troubled more and more until the day you die! One thing I know is that you cannot go around troubling others and have any peace yourself! Trouble makers in churches are bound with everything contrary to peace! What you plant is what you will harvest! The good news is that if you have been a troublemaker you can come to Jesus and repent and be cleansed by His blood for all sin and receive His wonderful peace that passes all understanding!

Now I speak to believers in Jesus! If you have been troubled the first thing you should know is that you do NOT have to be troubled or vexed for God is greater than all of it and Jesus took your place on the cross and redeemed you from the hand of the enemy, brought you into the kingdom of God and says you are clothed with His righteousness!

It is up to you to believe that, live it, REFUSE to doubt it and having done all to stand, STAND! Have you stood against false condemnation? Have you rebuked the lies lying spirits have spoken saying to you that you will never get better or or be healed or delivered or have peace? It is high time to awake out of sleep and stop accepting excuses as to why peace is not ruling in your heart! God says to “LET” the peace of God rule in your heart!

Jesus said in John 14 : “Peace I leave with you, MY peace I give to you”! Think about that! Jesus was ruled by peace, filled with peace and He turns to you and says He gives HIS peace to you! When a storm filled the boat Jesus was in and it was sinking, Jesus was NOT moved by the storm, but the peace He had inside He spoke out as He rebuked the storm saying: “PEACE, BE STILL”! And there was a GREAT CALM! Praise God we, as believers have that same peace, the peace that passes all understanding!

The God of PEACE shall bruise (CRUSH) satan under your FEET shortly (quickly)! Romans16:20 No matter the bad news or circumstance Let the peace of God rule in your heart and mind and bind every spirit contrary to that peace and command them to get out and take their disturbing thoughts, fears, bad emotions, and pressure with them! Praise God for deliverance…it WORKS! “He has delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me for their were many who oppose me”! (world English bible Psalm 55:18)

Jesus did not have His eyes and attention fastened on the storms or trouble but was looking at the Word of God in faith believing, knowing that what God promised He would surely do! When your eyes are looking at the storms of life you are looking at negativity and what demons are doing in and through people and circumstance….no wonder depression oppresses so many! How can you have joy when your faith is in the storms of life and what they can do!

STOP! STOP IT NOW! LOOK TO JESUS WHO IS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH! He is the one who lifted you up out of the muck and mire of sin and bondage and put you on THE ROCK, established your goings, and put a new song in your mouth, even praise to our God, and JESUS IS THE ONE WHO WILL GET YOU TO THE FINISH LINE A WINNER RULED BY PEACE…..AS YOU KEEP LOOKING TO HIM AND KEEP YOUR FAITH IN HIM ….ABOVE IT ALL!

Hebrews 12 ..”Therefore seeing we are also compassed with so great a cloud of witnesses ( from Hebrews 11: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, people of God, Moses, Rahab, Samson, Jepthah, David, Samuel and the prophets….) let us lay aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset us and let us run with patience that is set before us: LOOKING TO JESUS the author and finisher of our faith! If all these people of faith could live and walk by faith keeping their eyes on the prize to the end SO CAN WE! “I CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me!” Philippians4:13 LOOKING is present future tense saying that we will come out on TOP, SOARING ABOVE the storms as all these people of faith did as we CONTINUE to refuse to be looking at the trouble or storms, and CONTINUE ALWAYS TO BE CONSTANTLY LOOKING TO JESUS BY FAITH! We shall OVERCOME!

Do not be discouraged my friend, there is victory for you for this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our FAITH! You may have been knocked down, but YOU WILL GET UP AGAIN as you take hold of the promise NOW in faith believing and realize Jesus has given you His PEACE and a you walk in His peace the devil WILL BE CRUSHED UNDER YOUR FEET QUICKLY!

I loose you from the past, failures, disappointments, fears, storms of life and all bondage connected in the name of Jesus! I bind all demon spirits contrary to peace and crush you OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Lord Jesus, thank you for your peace rising in your people now for in and by that peace as they look to you, they will STOMP ALL OVER the devil’s head and CRUSH him!