This prayer is representing MANY that are praying for you for God’s best! Jesus is going to do great things so do not be discouraged for: “There are more with you than against you”!

Lord, we come to you in the name that is above EVERY other name, the name of JESUS! We pray now for Rubio that your divine WISDOM will flow in his heart every day and that you will give him your knowledge to deal with everything that he is dealing with and all that you have for the future for him and America!

We bind every negative spirit in the name of Jesus and none of them will be able to hinder or stop the will of God or the appointed mission for Rubio! In the name of Jesus we loose the blessing of God on Rubio now, that blessing will overtake him in the city and country wherever his feet step! Give him favor with God and man that doors will open by the power of God, even those that “looked” impossible!

Lord Jesus give Rubio your supernatural strength every day and lift him up above it all that nothing, anywhere, by any means could ever hinder or harm him or his family in anyway!

In the name of Jesus, Rubio is lifted up above it all and will prosper in all he does and will accomplish his mission by the anointing of the Holy Spirit! God’s grace is yours and will sustain you through it all and God will receive the glory and praise for all He will do!

“It is not by your own might or power, but by My Spirit says the Lord”!…the great mountain will become a plain, Zechariah 4:6,7
“For truly I say to you Whosoever will say to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea; and will not doubt in his heart, but believe that those things which he says will come to pass; he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them”! Mark 11:23,24

Thank you Jesus you have heard us and we have all we asked for! Thank you Lord for what you are going to do in and through Rubio and in America! Amen!

Life Free From burdens

What is in God’s hands and what is in yours? How much have you committed your life to Jesus? 20 percent? 50 percent? 100 percent? Commit means putting into charge or trust; trust; to put into a place for safekeeping; obligate; to pledge or assign to some particular course or use.

Psalm 37:5
” Commit thy way to the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.” One version says “Roll your cares on the Lord.”

We live in an inpatient society that does not want to wait for anything. Push and shove are key things in their lives, but good things come to those who rely on, wait on, and trust the Lord! If you do not see the manifestation of what you need instantly, don’t go digging up the faith seeds you planted yesterday. Growing takes a little time and what will happen is, as you’re patient and faithful (exercising patience, faith and endurance without wavering) that seed will grow and grow and one day it will all come together in “due season” for you have not grown weary in well doing, but committed your way to the Lord and kept planting the word of faith and watering and trusting God and then, BOOM, there is an abundant harvest: healings, blessings, answers to prayer, deliverance and joy. All on one stalk! Think of an apple tree seed: one seed. Plant it, water it, allow the sun to shine on it, have patience and trust… And it grows into a big apple tree with hundreds of apples on it every year. Then it keeps producing and producing until it’s created thousands of apples, an abundance of apples, but it was all started with one seed.

Imagine how it starts to multiply the more seeds you plant and the more you learn to commit your way to the Lord. Another Scripture says, ” Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain you. He will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

Are you still carrying heavy burdens that you’re supposed to cast on the Lord? You are to lay aside every weight to run this race with patience and endurance. Lastability. No wonder many fall by the wayside… Too much weight on their heads and emotions and body. Too much excess baggage because they really simply don’t believe God. On the other hand, they who do believe do enter into the rest of God where there are no burdens and no strain. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” Read Matthew 11:28, 29 again and you will see if you’ve been 100 percent in the will of God.

The word in Isaiah says the wicked cannot rest like a sea in the storm that casts up the dirt and mire. It’s all the muck in them that keeps surfacing and keeps them in unrest and unpeace.

So as we submit for “muck removal,” Jesus will deliver us and we will walk in rest and peace as we believe God. For they that believe do enter into rest. Keep everything committed to God, so the faith seeds you are planting can grow to maturity and produce. It says He will bring it to pass!

This life is not as hard as the devil makes it seem. We just need to realize God’s simple keys he gave us to live a truly blessed life and enjoy it as he said to do each and every day.


Where you live can make all the difference in the world as to what kind of life you will have, and whether you live a blessed or cursed life! It makes the difference as to whether you are oppressed and controlled by demons of darkness, or if the Holy Spirit of God is filling and leading you from victory to victory, from glory to glory!

Some people want to live anywhere but where they are! This is where the spirit of fantasy works! When you live in fantasy you do not live in reality, and thus NOT in truth that would set you free! Pretending you are living for God while in abject unbelief and skepticism is a fallacy, empty vain repititions, full of doubt and wavering! Then people are like a wave of the sea tossed back and forth, driven by the winds!

There are “driving” spirits that do just that…drive people to their wits end and trying to get them anywhere, but where God wants them! In the Old Testament it was called “blasting”…running from your enemies as they pursued! NO…do NOT do it, but rather TURN and FACE goliath and take him DOWN by faith in the name of Jesus, for NOTHING is too hard for the Lord! Praise Jesus!

The devil tries to get people to live in the future! When Jesus says healing is for you NOW, AND NOW THEN FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR, THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN, when people listen to spirits of procrastination they will say: “Well, we know that “someday” (future) we will all be healed in heaven!” Guess what? There is NO sickness in heaven, so you do not need healing in heaven, but here and now you do need healing for there is sickness and disease here on earth!

STOP living in the future and putting the blessings God has promised all off to “someday” maybe it might happen! Guess what? It NEVER happens with spirits of unbelief controlling your thinking like that! NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME OF SALVATION! TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION…DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS IN UNBELIEF AS THEY DID IN THE DAY OF PROVOCATION WHEN THEY TEMPTED GOD AND LIMITED HIM IN THE WILDERNESS! They ALL died in the wilderness because of their unbelief and disobedience, and NEVER made it into the promised land that God had for them that flowed with milk and honey and had all they needed! ( Hebrews 2, 3, and 4)

The other place of TOTAL defeat and disappointment is to live in the past! Jesus took all your sins in His body, took your punishment, cleansed you by His blood, forgave you and died for you in your place! He ROSE from the dead, sat down on the right hand of God and ever lives to make intercession for you! He is the AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF YOUR FAITH! He hands you TOTAL COMPLETE VICTORY OVER the world, the flesh, and the devil and ALL of the past! So LET GO OF THE PAST IN JESUS NAME, BE LOOSED NOW!

There is nothing back there for you! As long as you look back you cannot go forward in Jesus! God said to Lot and family as the angel of the Lord was delivering them out of sodom and gomorrah…”DO NOT LOOK BACK”! Lot’s wife had so much of the spirit of the world in her that as she was being delivered out of the oppression and evil, she looked back….and BOOM…it was over…she was now a pillar of salt….that lost it’s savor! Then it is good for nothing but to be cast out! Looking back produces death!

Keep your eyes on Jesus and press forward to the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus! Live by FAITH NOW! Do not put off healing or deliverance to “someday”! The faith of God calls those things that be not as though they were! God has already given you all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Jesus! God has already said yes to your prayer of faith based on what the Word of God promises us!

So if we believe what God said, then instead of complaining or murmuring we would be PRAISING GOD FOR THE ANSWER! Praise is the language of faith! Praise comes as you count it done just because God said so! Praise exalts the MOST HIGH NOW FOR WHO HE IS AND WHAT HE HAS DONE! When you praise the Lord your enemies will vanish! It is because Psalm 68 is true! As the presence of God manifests in your praises of Jesus, the enemies of God perish at the presence of God, and melt as wax before the fire and are blown away as smoke before the wind!

So I ask again..where do you live? Life and death are set before you, choose LIFE that you may LIVE!

This Same Jesus

Some preach a “Jesus” that is “like” Him, but NOT Him.  Thus there are “false christs.”  When they preach a false christ there is no healing and no deliverance.  Also, there is no true joy when people follow a false revelation.  Do you understand now why so many churches lack joy?
Whenever anyone puts out that they are some “great one”  there is deception, lies, sorcery, and witchcraft. One such person in the book of Acts, Simon the sorcerer, duped many people in the city saying he was a great one and they were to listen to whatever he said. People who were deceived and controlled by him called him the great power of God. When Phillip came and preached Jesus with the signs following God promises, Simon wanted what Phillip had. The problem was he thought he could buy the gift of God with money. Phillip rebuked him, and said he was bound by sin and bitterness.

You cannot buy anything from God with money. If it just took money to buy healing or deliverance from God then  everybody would just line up and buy it, but that is not how it works.  Faith comes by the preaching of the gospel, and the miracles come as we use our faith in Jesus for what He promises.

Jesus Christ, the SAME, yesterday, today, and forever.  Jesus has NOT and will NEVER change.  He is who He says He is, and does what He says He does, and He is the only one who died on a cross for us and took our sins and sickness, that we could be saved, healed, and delivered. There is NO other name whereby we can be saved, but by the name of Jesus.

When people alter the Word of God, and add to it or take away from it then they are trying to mix something with the truth, and God says that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough. It is NOT Jesus and buddah, or Jesus and muslim belief, or Jesus and judaism, etc.  You cannot mix any religion or religious spirit with Jesus because they DO NOT MIX.  Anyone who teaches different are already deceived and in need of repentance and forgiveness, and deliverance, the same as Simon the sorcerer who was trying to mix sorcery and the Holy Spirit….NOT HAPPENING. Choose this day who you will serve, but don’t try to add lies to the gospel because it won’t produce faith at all, but confusion, error, unbelief, curses, and bondage! It will be a dead letter that CANNOT produce the power of God.

Rituals and idols do NOT mix with the Word of God. legalism does NOT mix with Grace…read Galatians and you will see it clearly. God has NOT changed His Word so why are preachers who should know better trying to change it, or ignore it? In the name of being popular, and liked, and having large congregations, preachers, and people who follow them,  sell their souls to the demon of compromise….death follows very closely, and spiritual death is the worse death there is…separation from God and His presence!  When anything is added to or taken away from the Word of God, then the persons name is taken out of the Book of Life.

This should show you just how VERY POWERFUL the Word of God is that people under demon oppression and demonic influence try every way to alter it. Praise God the gospel is the power of God to salvation.  People are saved, healed, delivered, and filled with the Holy Spirit as the Word of God is preached by Holy Spirit filled people in Spirit and in truth.

In Acts 1  Jesus ascended up into heaven, and the  apostles were looking up, and two clothed  in white  said: “Why  are you looking up?  This SAME Jesus will return the same way He went!”   NOT someone “like” Jesus, or an “altered” Jesus, but rather “THIS SAME JESUS.”
Jesus Christ the SAME yesterday, today, and FOREVER. The SAME.  He healed ALL that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him. He heals today, and will heal tomorrow. Jesus delivered people from demons and the oppression and vexation, and torment they caused. Jesus delivers NOW for He is the same today. When you read the New Testament and see Jesus raising the dead, then say Jesus raises the dead TODAY for He never changes, and is the SAME today, and FOREVER.

The devil has tried to talk you out of forgiveness, healing, and deliverance making you out to be some awful person because of the past. JESUS CHRIST THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER. Jesus loves you, forgives you, and cleanses you with His blood.  You cannot hold anything against yourself for now it is all washed away, and there is nothing there at all. The old is dead, and you were raised up to NEW LIFE in Jesus. Because of Jesus, you are free from the guilt of the past, for He took your place, took your sins in His own body, and by His stripes you were healed. Praise God this SAME JESUS now lives in your heart as you believe on Him and confess JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, and that He raised up from the dead.
Celebrate Jesus and ABUNDANT LIFE! He is THE LIFE, THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY HIM. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the Law of sin and death. Amen!

Your Inheritance

DON’T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN GOD’S BEST FOR YOUR LIFE. We have all heard someone say how they were stuck with some awful thing because it was in their family, and that’s just the way it is.  That’s NOT the way it has to be. It does not matter who in your family had what, you DON’T have to have it.

Some have felt that because their parents were in darkness and worshiped the devil that somehow that made them a second class citizen when they came to Jesus.  NOT SO!  When we come to Jesus we have been translated into His kingdom, and are children of the MOST HIGH GOD!  The past has been washed clean by the blood of Jesus and now OUR INHERITANCE IS IN HIM AND FROM HIM, AND IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT WAS IN OUR FAMILY LINE,  FOR PSALM 91 says NO evil WILL BEFALL US.

See, now our inheritance is what God says in His Word for us!  Anything opposite to what God promises we need to reject, bind, and cast out in the name of Jesus!  God’s law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus supersedes all other forces, problems, sickness, bondage, no matter what the source, including family, and the law of sin and death.

So just because family has lived for the devil,  evidently, could not stop you from getting saved!  It was a decision from your will and heart to accept Jesus, and your family past could NOT stop you. It is the same for everything else God promises you, and for every area of your life.
So someone in your family was crazy…SO WHAT…God says He has NOT given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a SOUND MIND. There is your inheritance, so believe it, receive it, and say it.

If someone or a number of people in your family died of cancer…SO WHAT..YOU ARE UNDER THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND YOUR INHERITANCE IN HIM IS DIVINE HEALTH, AND HEALING of ALL disease!  You will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord.  That is what the Word of God says, and all the promises of God are yes, and Amen to the glory of God by us.  PEACE IS YOURS…NOT a troubled mind..JOY IS YOURS, AND DELIVERANCE FROM ALL demons of depression.

You must make up your mind once and for all that you are taking God’s inheritance and NOT the family negatives, oppressions, sickness, and troubles. You must put your foot down on all evil and ancestry bondage, and DON’T accept any of it as normal or your lot in life for any reason!  Your inheritance as a believer in Jesus is Psalm 91. When you live in the secret place of the MOST HIGH you abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. He is the God that is MORE THAN ENOUGH.  NOT just enough, or barely enough, but MORE THAN ENOUGH.

evil spirits try to go from generation to generation with ancestry bondage, so if you have had symptoms of any kind, or bondage similar to family, bind the spirits of ancestry bondage and command them to get OUT IN THE NAME OF Jesus. They try to make it seem inevitable that you have the same bondage your family had because you are in at family, but those demons are foul LIARS.  Do NOT let them deceive you. Your inheritance is the inheritance that belongs to Jesus because you belong to Him, and are in His family…the family of God. You are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. All that is His is yours.  fate has nothing to do with Jesus for fate is a demon and NOT the way it is. You are NOT locked into some oppression or sickness for YOU HAVE A CHOICE WHO YOU SERVE AND LIVE FOR  and your decision determines your destiny, NOT a demon of fate!
The Lord looses the prisoners, heals the broken heart, raises us up from the dust and sets us among princes, is our shield, is our shepherd, goes before us and makes the crooked places straight, cuts in sunder the bars of iron, and breaks in pieces the gates of brass, makes a plain path for our feet, is a lamp to our feet and light for our path.

A man came to Jesus for his child was thrown into the water and fire by demons in the flesh to try to destroy him many times.  When he saw Jesus he was thrown to the ground in convulsion foaming at the mouth.  Jesus was ruled by peace and matter of fact asked the father how long this had gone on, and the man said it was since he was a child.  So right there is where those with no spiritual sense would say that this is a family bondage and just to struggle through the best you can because it is just locked in.  DO NOT LISTEN  to skeptical people full of unbelief. Jesus rebuked the deaf  and dumb demon and out it came and the man’s son was delivered and healed.  Mark 9.

The father had said to Jesus:  “IF  you Can do anything to help, help us!”  Jesus said: “IF YOU CAN BELIEVE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT BELIEVE”!  The man said he believed and asked Jesus to help him overcome his unbelief. Jesus got to the root of the problem….unbelief!  As soon as the man said:  “If you can…”  his unbelief was showing. If prayers don’t go anywhere. So if YOU will believe God, you will be delivered from and overcome all ancestry bondage and sickness!  Praise God, Jesus never fails.

I loose you from all your family bondage and past, from all the disease and torment and instability. In the name of Jesus I bind all the trespassing demons of ancestry bondage that are in the flesh, and you must all go out now. Praise Jesus for setting you free, now stretch out those wings and mount up with wings as eagles…FAR ABOVE IT ALL.


In these last days in which we live it is very important to keep your focus on Jesus and not get distracted or lose strength! It is so important to keep running the race with patience to the end! The Word of God has a lot to say about the last days and a lot of it is a warning so we would know ahead of time the things that will be happening so we will be ready for them and NOT have our hearts failing for fear as we see things coming on the earth!

Isaiah 40:31 : “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.” God says that if we faint in adversity our strength is small. God gives power to the faint and to those that have no might He increases strength! The key in the whole thing is to NOT rely on your own human strength, but to rely on GOD’S PERFECT STRENGTH! So God says: “Let the weak say I am strong”!

Eagles sit on the mountain top…waiting for the wind, and when it comes they stretch out their wings and don’t flap their way up, but MOUNT UP as the wind carries them! Those who try to fight spiritual battles with their own strength always fail for on their own they do not have what it takes! It takes the Holy Spirit flowing in and through us to mount up with wings as eagles! Why do you think when the Holy Spirit was first poured out that there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing MIGHTY wind? God wants to carry you and carry your burdens! As you wait on the Lord in His presence, and stretch out your wings of faith and praise, the wind of the Holy Spirit will come and lift you up far above it ALL!

You cannot approach God with half faith and half doubt or unbelief! You won’t be lifted up above anything! When God says you will mount up with wings as eagles, and run and not be weary, and walk and not faint when you wait on the Lord, and you believe it, then you say it and do it and will be lifted up and soar with wings as eagles far above it all, not taken with the beggarly elements of this world system!

God likens our life here as a race we are running in and says that to make it to the end we must look steadfastly to the author and the finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ! He said to run the race with patience!, steadfast endurance! You do not win by having faith for two days and then when the pressure is turned up, giving up and doubting the third day! This victory life, even ABUNDANT LIFE takes a commitment to the everlasting Word of God, even Jesus Christ who is the LIVING WORD! The Word was made flesh and lived among us, and His name is Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever! You will run and NOT be weary, so it is NOT God trying to wear you out! We have cast out spirits of weariness of the flesh and weariness of the spirit, and instantly a Holy Ghost refreshing flooded the person!

We need to get the “I can’t” spirits out of the flesh! the Word says: “I CAN do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me”! Faith says : “I can”! Unbelief says: “I can’t”! I have cast out spirits named “I can’t”! Anything opposite to the Word of God is from the spirits of darkness! Don’t play into their trap of darkness, unbelief, and doubt, and NEVER, EVER give up! The promises of God are all YES, AND AMEN to the glory of God by us! God already said yes to every blessing we would ever need! Believe what God said about you, that you can do all things though Christ that strengthens you! You CAN overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil! You CAN walk and not faint! You CAN DO what you need to do in any situation! You CAN believe God!

God said you will walk and NOT faint! When one faints they are weak, lose consciousness, and fall down! God does not want us fainting, but living in perfect strength and victory every day, mounting up with wings as eagles, carried by the wind of the Holy Spirit! As you look to Jesus who is the author of your faith and don’t give up, but wait on Him, He will carry you through to finish your course as He is also the finisher or completer of your FAITH (not doubt)!

God said to walk in faith, walk in the light, and to walk in the Spirit! There is no fainting when you can see where you are going, and have real faith that came by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, and when you step forward upheld and led by the Holy Spirit!

Praise God, nothing is impossible with God for ALL things are possible to those who believe! Press into the kingdom of God, prevail in prayer, step in and the waters will roll back for greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world! The church, God’s people, is built on the revelation of Jesus Christ so the gates of hell will NOT prevail against the church!

Mind Attack…OVER!

When you are born again by the Spirit of God you still need to do something with your mind.  Some have found that out the hard way, just putting their mind on neutral, coasting along….and wham…all of a sudden a barrage of awful mind oppressing, depressing thoughts that made you feel like you had surely lost your mind. Jesus will deliver you from all evil and that includes demons of mind attack. It doesn’t matter where it came from, or how long it’s been going on, IT IS OVER IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and it doesn’t matter how much they chant, or cut themselves, or curse, IT IS ALL DEFEATED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS, AND THERE IS NOTHING THE enemy can do to stop this GREAT VICTORY IN YOUR LIFE.

OH, PRAISE GOD MY DEAR FRIENDS, THE VICTORY IS IN JESUS, AND NO ONE, OR ANYTHING CAN EVER DEFEAT HIM, FOR HE HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD OVER IT ALL, AND IT ALL MUST BOW TO THE NAME OF JESUS AND LEAVE YOU RIGHT NOW. Thanks be to God that always gives us the victory in Jesus. Tell the Lord your mind is His, as well as your heart and body.  One man I knew said the Lord could have his heart, but not his mind for he wanted that for himself.  How brilliant.  He was tormented severely in his mind ’til finally he had a “light bulb moment”, and said the Lord could have his mind too. Then and only then was he completely delivered from the torment.

When thoughts come into your mind as a believer that are torment, fear, or oppressive, they are NOT from the Lord, but from evil spirits, and we need to bring every thought into captivity and into subjection to Jesus, and bring them down. Don’t allow them to be exalted in your thinking, but bring them down immediately in the name of Jesus, and cast the spirits out behind them.

There are thoughts behind every sin that come to the mind first before acted upon. Overcome the thoughts immediately and then they will not be able to get any hold on you.  Speak out loud that you reject that negative thought, and refuse to think on it.  Tell it that it will not stay in your mind, and then deliberately think on the promises of God.

Do NOT ACCEPT evil thoughts as your own, and DO NOT ACCEPT any mental attack  or oppression as normal in ANY KIND OF WAY. God has a mind of total peace for you, so don’t settle for anything less. I bind demons of compulsive oppressive, tormenting thinking in the NAME OF JESUS. GO OUT RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS. See, that is what you need to do now and any time mind attack is trying to oppress.

God says there in Corinthians that we are to bring EVERY THOUGHT into subjection. If you want peace like you have never seen before, start doing this EVERY DAY and watch the enemy lose control of your mind where there will be NO oppressive thoughts WHATSOEVER.  We live from the inside out, so tell your mind what to think on from the Word of God in your spirit, and you will be in control of your mind instead of something else being in control. Your body will come in line with your renewed mind for your mind controls your body. God says our mind is renewed by the Word of God, and then we are transformed, changed by the Spirit of God from glory to glory.  Don’t let any negative thought stay in your mind, not even for a minute. Bring it down immediately.  For example if a thought comes:  “you are going to get sick”..IMMEDIATELY I WOULD SAY OUT LOUD: “NO I’M NOT GETTING SICK FOR GOD’S WORD SAYS BY HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED AND sickness CANNOT GET THROUGH THE SHIELD OF FAITH, NOW YOU spirits of sickness ARE BOUND IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND YOU LEAVE RIGHT NOW.

THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR WORD OF FAITH FOR I WILL HAVE WHAT YOU PROMISE, AND YOU SAID YOU WILL ABOVE ALL THINGS THAT I PROSPER AND BE IN HEALTH EVEN AS MY SOUL PROSPERS. As you make this a practice every time there is any thought of fear, negativity, oppression, or anything contrary to the Word of God, you will stay on top of it and your mind will continually be renewed to the Word of God.

When thoughts are negative in any way, there is a wrong spirit behind it, so tell those demons to shut up, and bind their voices, and command them to go. Then thank the Lord, and laugh at the devil, and his dumb demons of mind attack, for they are under your feet and you don’t have to put up with them at all.

I LOOSE YOUR MIND IN THE NAME OF JESUS FROM ALL mind attack, brain freeze, mental telepathy, mind cults, forgetfulness, sin recall, bad memories recall, mental breakdown, mind haze, thoughts of failure and defeat, false condemnation thoughts, and ALL mental oppression, and in the NAME OF JESUS ALL the spirits of these oppressions are bound and MUST GO OUT NOW IMMEDIATELY ALL AT ONCE.
Enjoy your mind renewed by the Word of God, and GREAT PEACE RULING IN YOUR HEART AND MIND.

Hope Never Gives Up

God is a God of hope and that hope is an anchor for your soul. Your soul is your intellect and your emotions, and hope anchors you in Jesus so that when a demon of hopelessness tries to bring thoughts of giving up to the mind or feelings to the emotions, you know that there is NOTHING TO IT, FOR JESUS IS THE AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF YOUR FAITH AND HE WILL NEVER EVER LEAVE OR FORSAKE YOU, AND WHEN JESUS IS IN THE BOAT THE STORM WILL NOT DESTROY YOU, BUT WILL BE STILLED AND THERE WILL BE GREAT PEACE, AND YOU WILL ARRIVE AT YOUR DESTINATION SAFELY!

satan  is a liar and totally defeated and it doesn’t matter what he, or wicked people, or demons have said, done, or tried to organize against you, for IT WILL ALL COME TO NOTHING in the name of Jesus as you stand in faith against all evil. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose when you believe God and fight the good fight of faith. We need to realize that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but we wrestle against wicked spirits in the flesh, in the world, in the heavenlies, and we have total authority over them and when we bind them they are bound, and when we command them to get out…THEY MUST GET OUT! 

There is a wrong spirit behind all sins, oppression, and sickness. Actually, knowing this can really boost your faith for you know what you are fighting and that you have total authority and power over them, and you speak in faith and they are bound, and must leave and turn you loose, and the situation loose. The end result: complete victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

There are spirits named “I give up,” and “I can’t.”  How many times I have heard someone say “I can’t take it any more” or “I can’t have faith for this situation” or “I can’t see how these miracles could happen,” etc.  The Word of God says “I CAN do all things through Christ Jesus.” Start believing what God says about you NOW. Then you will be saying: “I can overcome all that comes against me, and I will be able to do all that God says do, and be all that God says be by the power of the Holy Spirit that resides within me.

When spirits of give up are at work they are the ones projecting a “feeling” of giving up! They are liars and thieves and are NOT worthy of regard. One thing to do is to ask God for deliverance from all the spirits that are in the flesh from the past that are designed to promote giving up.  Bind them all in the name of Jesus and command them all to come out. They must go and then they won’t be in the flesh to bring thoughts up to the mind or feelings to the emotions of giving up.

The Holy Spirit is the comforter. Rely totally on the Holy Spirit and yield to Him for He brings total comfort to you and leads you into ALL truth. Everything the Holy Spirit does is according to the Word of God and brings hope, comfort, joy, faith, and deliverance. He will always encourage you and tell you that you can overcome and that God will see you through.

The God of hope says there are good things for you coming. Your future is as bright as the promises of God, and they are all yes and Amen through Jesus by us to the glory of God. When we have been through a lot in the past, the devil tries to make us feel a sense of lost time and will try to condemn by trying to get us to look at the past sins, etc.  Well, aren’t you glad that we DO NOT live by the past or what the devil says about it?  We live by faith and what GOD says about the past and everything else. God says to put the past behind you, and don’t look back, but look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Faith looks at what the Word of God says and the Word of God says we are a brand new creation set free from the past and ALL the sins of the past. So my friends if you have felt like there is so much to be delivered of, just ask God for a quickening of your deliverance and tell those demons to go out quickly, and they will, for all your sins have been forgiven and cleansed so demons have no legal right to stay.

Your hope is in the Lord Jesus. He is your hope. Christ in you, the HOPE of glory. Jesus is the anchor for your soul and He conquered the devil and all evil. Keep your faith completely in Jesus for He is the Great Deliverer. God has promised to restore all the years that were robbed, so ask Him for that restoration for He is faithful that has promised, and then thank Him for the answer, and He will do what no other power can do.

Wrap your arms around hope for all things are possible with God. Hope Never gives up for it knows there are many blessings ahead with much joy.
The woman with the issue of blood had spent all of her money on doctors that could not do anything to help, but she actually got worse and worse and suffered many things from them. By all standards it was looking rather hopeless in the natural. She could have very easily given up, but when she heard of Jesus, she said within herself:  “If I can touch the hem of His garment I will be healed!”  She refused to give up, but instead crawled through and pressed through the crowd that was all around Jesus and reached out and touched the hem of His garment. She was healed instantly. There were so many pressing on Jesus that He asked who was it that touched me?  He felt virtue go out of Him and into someone. She acknowledged that it was her and Jesus said: “Your faith has made you whole!”

If she had given up, thinking of how long it had been since she was sick and how she had spent all her money, and how she was getting worse and worse, she would have missed out on a great miracle that was going to change her life totally for the better. NEVER, NEVER, EVER give up! God has the miracle with your name on it and He makes a way where there seems to be no way.

In the name of Jesus I loose you to receive the miracle working power of God that will set you free and make you whole. God will speak a word in your spirit that will ignite faith in your heart. Then as you speak it and act on it as the woman with the issue of blood did, you will see the glory of God in your life. NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR THE LORD. Believe God now and call out for mercy as blind Bartimaeus did, and mercy will rewrite your life.


From Darkness to Light 9 – Peace in the Storm

The storm howls about with flashes of lightening, and loud claps of thunder. Lightening strikes a great tree and it goes down as torrential rain floods the road!  You and your family are driving down a steep, debris filled mountain road hoping the only bridge is not knocked out or flooding.  Your heart begins to pound as you approach the bridge as water is flowing over the top of the bridge. Should I or shouldn’t I?  fear rises up and anxiety makes our heartbeat so loud it thumps in our ears like a giant bass drum! Moments seem like an eternity…..suddenly we remember a word  that said …be anxious for nothing, but everything in prayer with thanksgiving and the peace of God would keep our heart and mind through Jesus Christ.

We bow our heads and pray to the Most High….then deep in our spirit the still small voice of the Holy Spirit … “Go through, all will be well”! We go, as the muddy water swirls around our doors…foot by foot …and we are across and safe …led by the Spirit of God. In life there are many storms , troubles and difficulties[to say the least.] Some folk it seems trouble is their middle name. If they go hide in a cave trouble seems to find them. There is a troublemaker in this world and the world is literally “rocking and rolling” with trouble and in trouble. In fact God says these times will be such that mean’s hearts will fail them for fear of the things they see coming on the earth.

The reason their hearts will fail for fear is because their hearts are not fixed on Jesus and the Word of God , but rather their hearts are fixed on the trouble in the world. Remember Lot’s wife. She became troubled with the trouble troubling the world to the point she could not stand to leave it without looking back at it….and thus lost her life to become a useless pillar of salt that lost it’s savor.

The bible predicts that darkness will cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: BUT THE LORD SHALL ARISE ON YOU, AND HIS GLORY SHALL BE SEEN ON YOU[ISAIAH 60:1,2] We were bound by that gross darkness but when the light of God shined in our hearts the revelation of Jesus Christ we came out of the darkness. Then God gets the spirits of that darkness out of our flesh through deliverance ministry. You can receive that deliverance right here through this blog in the name of Jesus. I say that spirits of the darkness of this world will be bound now and keep coming out all through this teaching, going out in all directions all at once.

Now as we see great trouble coming in this world and inside people we must seek peace and pursue it. The words of God add peace to us! So to pursue peace you must pursue the Word of God seriously. Meditating on it, speaking it aloud, praying it, doing it.
God says the just shall come out of trouble! But as in that story of coming down a mountain we must NOT let our hearts be troubled or let them be afraid. Jesus said “MY PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU…NOT AS THE WORLD GIVES GIVE I TO YOU…BUT MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU. Now when did you ever see Jesus upset by the storms of life?  He faced them all the same way God ordained you and I to face them and overcome them by the Spirit of God and the Word of God. He laid aside His divinity to become a man and face all the temptations that you and I face yet without sin. Praise God I will receive the PEACE Jesus gives and I will be at peace though the mountains be removed and be carried into the sea, I will not fear for the GREATER ONE  lives in me and HIS peace leads me and fills me for He said we will be filled with all peace and joy in believing through the power of the Holy Ghost!

When trouble knocks on your door answer it in the POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST and knock that devil for a loop. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you tired of being tossed to and fro like the waves of the sea?  THEN RISE AND SHINE FOR THE GLORY OF THE LORD IS RISEN ON YOU. Cast out that double-minded spirit out of your flesh and tell that troublemaker to GET OUT OF YOUR WAY NOW IN JESUS NAME FOR THE JUST SHALL COME OUT OF TROUBLE.  THEN WALK ALL OVER HIS HEAD AND START PRAISING GOD AND THANKING JESUS FOR DELIVERING YOU AND SHOWING YOU THE WAY OUT AND WATCH GOD WORK. MIRACLES OF DELIVERANCE WILL ABOUND AND GOD WILL MAKE A WAY WHERE THERE SEEMED TO BE NO WAY…..AND THERE WILL BE GREAT PEACE…ABUNDANCE OF PEACE…A LOT OF PEACE ALL OVER THE PLACE, IN YOUR HEART AND IN YOUR MIND! No disturbing thoughts…no thoughts of fear or anxiety…no thoughts of failure or “what if’s”….just PEACE.

Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown in prison in shackles and bonds. Persecuted for the gospel’s sake. There in the darkness of the midnight hour they were so full of peace that they began singing and praising God…. “Hallelujah anyhow, never never let life’s problems get you down!  When life’s trials come your way, raise your hands up high and say: “Hallelujah anyhow!” As they praised the Lord the awesome power of God began to stir and began to shake the whole prison and SHAKE AND SHAKE AND SHAKE until every prisoner was loosed and all the shackles came off. Praise God the keeper of the prison got saved that night.  God will SHAKE AND WHEN HE SHAKES, THE THINGS THAT HAD YOU BOUND IN darkness will leave you so fast it will be as lightening. One time I said that in a meeting and the whole pew a lady was sitting in began to shake. So much so that she turned to see if someone sitting behind her was doing it, but no one was touching her pew. When the shaking stopped she realized her back was missing the awful pain she had been enduring for quite a while.

When they prayed for Holy Ghost boldness to speak the Word of God with signs following in the book of Acts the whole place they were sitting in was SHAKEN BY THE POWER OF GOD AND THEY WERE FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST AND BOLDNESS AND GREAT GRACE WAS UPON THEM AND THEY BOLDLY SPOKE THE WORD AND MANY WERE SAVED , HEALED , FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT AND DELIVERED. PRAISE GOD.

The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Only that which is in the kingdom of God cannot be shaken and everything that can be shaken will be shaken, that only that which is in the kingdom of God will be standing tall.  PRAISE GOD. WE ARE ON THE VICTORY SIDE.
The world is shaking, it is groaning in travail. As it reels to and fro, there is a remnant of God’s people coming forward that have stood the test and have stood victorious over the trouble of this world. Who have been persecuted and rejected and hated for Jesus’ sake…yet pressed in and in the midnight hour have been seen to be praising God and singing praises as the peace of God ruled in their hearts. They have marched on through it all in the name of Jesus and stood tall.

Now in the end times God is calling us to press in to move in GREAT PEACE. For as this world grows darker and darker, the GLORY OF GOD IN US WILL GROW BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER AS WE MOVE IN GREAT PEACE! GREAT PEACE HAVE THOSE WHO LOVE GOD’S WORD. GREAT SURPASSING PEACE THAT IS GREATER THAN ALL THE trouble in this world combined.  All the demons in the world could NOT trouble Jesus for He could not be troubled for He let the PEACE OF GOD RULE IN HIS HEART. THE PEACE OF GOD IS GREATER THAN ALL troubling, vexing demons and when you move in that peace YOU TELL THEM TO GO….AND THEY HAVE TO. HA HA HA! PRAISE GOD…FOR THE GOD OF PEACE SHALL BRUISE[CRUSH] satan under your feet QUICKLY. Don’t settle for anything less than GREAT PEACE…MORE THAN ENOUGH…TOTALLY IMMERSED IN PEACE. YOUR MIND COVERED BY PEACE. YOUR HEART FILLED WITH PEACE.

enemy of God’s people you have to BACK OFF NOW IN JESUS NAME.  NO CHOICE, JUST DO IT.

From Darkness to Light 8–Mercy Will Rewrite Your Life

We were guilty, sentenced, and doomed to a life of slavery to sin, ruled by satan and demons, headed to hell and the lake of fire for eternity. We abode in darkness, such horrible tortuous darkness without hope, without light, rejected, depressed, oppressed, vexed and tormented. We were sinners that just “know” there was no way out. There was this deep ache deep inside that we could not explain, but it was if there was actually something crying out for help…something looking for a way out…a hunger for something better…a hunger for LIFE. We felt rejected and hated as we found ourselves involved with the dark side of things…and truly we rejected and hated ourselves for the place we found ourselves in.

Turning a “new leaf”, as they say, was out of the question and self help programs were laughable, so where would we “EVER” get the help we needed, and we didn’t believe there was any “help” for us…we felt too bound by sin, darkness and demons. Time didn’t stop, of course, so we found year after year only growing worse and worse.

Endless nightmares that intermingled with reality to where we couldn’t tell the difference sometimes whether things were real or illusion. Things became gray. We felt more and more hopeless to the point that we despaired of life and gave up on any hope of a “NORMAL LIFE.”
Just when thoughts of suicide were as abundant as the breaths that were taken we heard someone speaking about someone who came to this earth from heaven who identified with us in our sins by taking ALL of our sins in His body as people spit on Him, and mocked Him and put a crown of thorns in His head and whipped His back until it was one bloody mess….His visage was marred more than any man. He was bruised by their beating Him for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him.

To show you that HE LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR YOU OUT OF HIS GREAT LOVE FOR YOU, when they came to arrest Him[for saving the lost, healing the sick and casting out demons He said: “Who do you seek”? They said: “Jesus of Nazareth”! He said: “I AM HE.” When He said that about 500 soldiers fell backward flat on the ground as the POWER OF ALMIGHTY GOD HIT THEM!! So Jesus “LET” them arrest Him so He could lay down His life for you so that when you were bound by “death, His blood shed for you would break the power of death and give you ABUNDANT LIFE.

Jesus took your and my sins and punishment for sins in His body on the tree, and took our place so we could identify with Him as He raised from the dead in resurrection power. Now the “old man” is crucified with Christ and we are risen to new life in Jesus free of sin, free of the shackles of darkness.

So someone shares Jesus and you scratch your head thinking: “O.K., but how do I translate that to my life?”  Then as we called out for help from Jesus, the Holy Spirit showed us, for the first time in our lives, what “MERCY” really was.  We couldn’t save ourselves …we were bound, but Jesus came FULL of MERCY AND GOODNESS. And when He died on that cross, when His blood poured out all over that cross down to the ground…it was MERCY pouring out. Mercy that would rewrite our lives. MERCY, that there was nothing we could ever do to earn it or deserve it. MERCY, that said the past doesn’t matter or how deep in sin we were. All of it covered by MERCY!! MERCY that said to you “NOT GUILTY.”
The mercy seat in Old Testament was in the holiest of holies in the tabernacle…it’s where the Glory of God was. People would drop dead if they didn’t go in the way God said go. It was symbolic of the Mercy Seat of God in heaven that when Jesus shed His blood , the way was made to go right to the throne of God and find MERCY to help in the time of need.

Blind Bartimaeus knew something. He knew that he was bound and blind and an outcast and that the only way to be free was to CRY OUT FOR MERCY. They told him to shut up and not to bother the master for after all he was a beggar outcast of society, and a reject. “JESUS HAVE MERCY ON ME!” It stopped Jesus and He told them to bring him. See, we needed people to help us over to Jesus to receive the Mercy, we were so bound and blind. But see there we see God’s Love and Mercy flowing though people who received Love and Mercy. Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL RECEIVE MERCY.
So they led us over to Jesus and there was this “strange” feeling…was that Peace? Yes, it was PEACE AND MERCY, but we had never experienced anything like that before and thought we were beyond all that with no hope.

Then Jesus spoke these words: “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” The moment of truth. Jesus was letting you know right there and then that HE IS NOT a slave driver. That He did not come to “force” anything. That now it was you that would make a choice by your will to decide what would happen for the rest of your life and for eternity.

When you said “Lord that I receive my sight by your Mercy” it was like lightning…in a FLASH…MERCY  saved you and flooded your spirit with Jesus!! You were now a child of God and NOT a child of the devil!! LIGHT CAME IN…AND THE darkness left!! HOPE WAS ALIVE INSIDE YOUR SPIRIT!!
You said I want MERCY!  I want you JESUS! You chose abundant life and you passed from death to life instantly!!  Heaven is your home!! Now you don’t have to listen to the devil or his cohorts at ALL because of MERCY!!
Your eyes were opened and suddenly you realized how blind you had been and things you were blinded to became very clearly seen!!  You had become “born again”…born of the Spirit of God.Bartimaeus was healed of both kinds of blindness when he cried out for mercy…physical and spiritual blindness for after that he followed Jesus!! Jesus is the way.

Because of Mercy we were saved and because of MERCY we will continue to walk with Jesus and make heaven our home.
“How can I be not guilty when I know I did those sins in the past?”  I’m glad you asked that!  When you came to Jesus you are justified by His blood[where the MERCY is.] That means it’s just as if you NEVER sinned. He says you are a new creation…NOT the old one made over. MERCY!
SO FOR YOU TO BELIEVE THE demons of guilt and false condemnation, you are ignoring what Jesus went through and how he died for you on the cross and the blood He shed and mercy.

There is NOW therefore NO condemnation to them in Jesus who walk NOT after the flesh, but after the Spirit. So here’s what you do. BIND ALL demons of guilt  and false condemnation, for they are the ones giving you thoughts about the past that are contrary to the Word of God, and tell them to SHUT UP AND GET OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Then if there’s ever any reminders, INSTANTLY SAY” NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND GOD’S MERCY, FOR I AM A NEW CREATION AND THE OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY AND ALL THINGS ARE BECOMING NEW. I WALK IN THE NEWNESS OF LIFE IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD NOT BY guilt of the past. God has mercy on me. Thank you Jesus for MERCY. MERCY has given me a brand new life and the devil has NOTHING to say about it.

The prodigal son took his father’s inheritance given and spent it all on riotous living. He ended up in a pig pen eating pig’s food. He finally came to himself and realized the servants back home had it better than him in this state. So he headed back home. He felt he didn’t deserve a thing from his father but went back willing to be a servant.  When his father saw him coming a far off he RAN TO HIM HUGGED HIM AND PUT A ROBE ON HIM AND A RING ON HIS FINGER AND CALLED FOR CELEBRATION TO CELEBRATE THAT HIS SON THAT WAS DEAD WAS ALIVE AGAIN. MERCY…MERCY…MERCY.

FRIENDS, YOU HAVE PASSED FROM darkness to LIGHT receive God’s mercy and stop condemning yourself. Mercy has given you a brand new life and the old is passed away…now stop holding onto it by guilt or condemnation. Say out loud what the blood of Jesus does for you. The blood of Jesus has justified me so it is as if I never sinned and He has given me MERCY. I have been delivered from the darkness by God’s GREAT MERCY AND AS I COME IN PRAYER I FIND GRACE AND MERCY TO HELP IN THE TIME OF NEED. THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR GREAT MERCY FOR IT IS EVERLASTING MERCY AND INDEED IT IS REWRITING OUR LIVES AND MAKING US WHOLE.