Miracle Service: Make the Devil Bite the Dust

Glory to God, are you ready? Been praising God and expecting the miraculous of God in your life? Well, you are in the right spot at the right time and Jesus loves you with an everlasting love and wants you saved, healed, delivered, filled with the Spirit of God, praising God, filled with the love and peace of Jesus that passes all understanding, and BLESSED BLESSED BLESSED!
To start off with take some time right now and give thanks to Jesus for all He has done for you and others! Then praise Him and the presence of God will be with you. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. The chorus Hallelujah is just that word so you can sing that one and if you don’t know the melody let the Lord give you one. There’s another that says…”God is moving, by His Spirit, moving over all the earth!” Signs and wonders when God moves! Move, oh Lord, in me. Oh praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus. God you are so good! Lord we come to you today on the behalf of all our dear friends who are reading this and we ask that the miracles they need will come as the mighty wind of the Holy Spirit now blows gently yet ever so powerfully on and in everyone.

In the name of Jesus we bind every spirit that is not the Holy Spirit and loose everyone to go free today all during this time together. There will be miracles all through this so when you sense God is doing something just praise and worship Him and enjoy.

Now let’s make the devil eat dust….after all he is the old serpent that tried to poison our lives with lies, bondage, sickness,torment, etc. Acts 10:38: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good HEALING ALL WHO WERE OPPRESSED OF THE devil, for God was with Him.”

Right away we learn sickness is the oppression of the devil and Jesus came to heal us of all oppression. Praise God, spirits of oppression are leaving now. Thank you Jesus! Whatever has been weighing you down and burdening you or trying to make you fear is under my and our feet and must leave now.

We have seen Jesus perform miracle after miracle, healing after healing, deliverance after deliverance. Jesus NEVER fails. Whatever is wrong, put your faith in Jesus, NOT in your circumstance!! Jesus is the Healer and Deliverer.

It doesn’t matter what your past has been or what darkness has been in your soul. You don’t have to be some special Christian to receive a miracle. Your past is cleansed by the blood of Jesus since you proclaimed Jesus Christ is Lord and were saved when you believed in your heart God raised Him from the dead.

Jesus is moved by compassion towards people and their needs and HEALED THEM ALL.
Don’t let the devil tell you that sickness is God’s punishment or that God is allowing or permitting sickness to teach you something. God is NOT “permitting ” it at all. The devil is a bad devil and God is a good God so don’t get your kingdoms mixed up.

One lady came to an evangelist for prayer. She had a cancerous tumor and was dying. She told the minister she believed God permitted it to make her humble. He laid hands on her and said “Lord let her have another tumor to make her more humble!” She quickly backed away and shouted…”what are you doing praying that way!?” He asked her if she was going to the doctor for her condition and she was and he said yes. He said: “Then you are a hypocrite because you say God is permitting this to make you more humble and you are going to the doctor to get rid of it.” She said: “I guess I just don’t have any faith.” He said: “Now you are getting somewhere.” She changed her believing, he laid hands on her, and the devil ate dust and the tumor disappeared and she was completely healed of cancer!

See, it’s NOT something you work up or get “good enough” to get. Jesus heals you because He loves you and when you put faith in Jesus He does the hard part. sickness is NOT a blessing, it’s a curse and oppression. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He came to remove the curse from you.

I’ve seen many people healed and delivered. I ministered in a large church in Arizona once that holds about 2,000 people. The Lord had me call for people with stomach problems and the whole front of the church filled with people falling under the power of God and being healed. I called for people with pain in their necks, backs, arms, or legs to come up and there were so many we had to go on the side. Twenty-five sat down and every one of their short legs and arms grew out and whatever was wrong was healed. Then another 25 sat down and were healed. That went on for an hour or so. I found out the pastor had had a vision sometime before this that there would be a time when people would be healed over on the side while a water baptism was going on at the same time. It happened that night. Praise God!

Glory to Jesus He will do the same for you. In Jesus name I release my faith for you. Your feet are healed. NO PAIN. Your neck and back, arms and legs are healed. Praise God. Now you can just shout praises to God.

A man came to a miracle service that had a tumor the size of an orange in his stomach. I rebuked that foul thing and he let out a grunt and doubled over like someone hit him. I asked him what happened and he said something hit him but now the pain and tumor was gone. He lifted his shirt and the Lord left a mark like an incision where He took it out. Our God is a God of miracles! It is there for you too, so praise Jesus and claim your healing!

From Darkness to Light 2

We are dead to sin and alive to God through Jesus Christ! Faith has come alive in our spirit. So don’t listen to demons of false condemnation trying to condemn you over the past. They try to come to the mind and speak words of Worthlessness calling you unworthy to yourself. It registers in your mind as a thought. REJECT those thoughts. Bind all spirits that condemn and try to doom and tell them to GO…and they WILL because they HAVE to, for in the name of Jesus you speak and He said you will have what you SAY when you believe.So out goes all of that gloom and doom from the past.

I’m believing God for you right now that your human spirit and personality be released from all stoicism and unfeeling spirits so that you can and will be normal emotionally again NOW.
those negative forces are NOT you but trespassers in the flesh. So we definitely don’t want loser, defeated trespassers hanging around to rob, kill, or destroy us.
You were delivered from a life of stupidity onto a life of wisdom when you came to Jesus!!So don’t agree with things that are contrary to God’s wisdom. You can find His words of wisdom in the Word of God.

If God doesn’t hold your past against you in any way then why would you want to listen to evil spirits or anything or anybody who would try to get you to do the opposite?
Learn now NOT to live by feelings for feelings can lie…live by faith. Faith in Jesus! Faith in what God said. God NEVER said only praise Him if you FEEL like it or only read and meditate in the Word of God if you feel like it or only show love when you FEEL like it. Some try to serve God half hearted cause they don’t feel like praying.

On the other hand …praise the Lord when you DON’T feel like it and when the presence of God manifests you’ll be glad you did, for “In His presence is FULLNESS of JOY!” I have ended up feeling such powerful annointings in the presence of God, it was like Heaven was right there. Joy flowing in your spirit will make you STRONG and HEAL you. Praise you Jesus. Glory to the MOST HIGH. Jesus is LORD. Darkness bows to the name of Jesus now and must depart as the JOY of the Lord flows.

Miracle Service: Today is the Day

Before you enjoy the post, just a quick note:

Some put their blessings, healing, deliverance off into the future, even as far as when they get to heaven! They procrastinate in the time of revival. Then because of their unbelief they go around saying that “someday” we will get healed …..and God has His reasons and someday we will understand why we were sick and oppressed like this. WHAT A BUNCH OF GARBAGE. If you let food hang out in the garbage can it spoils rotten. So how would you feel if somebody told you it was the will of God to carry that stinking rotten garbage on your back for the rest of your life? But that is exactly what people with unbelief do. They carry the lying corrupted words of unbelief, doubt, fear, and false doctrines in their hearts and minds every day of their lives and then don’t understand why they never see the blessings of God in their lives….always sick and oppressed and vexed with no relief….and then blame God thinking He permitted all that mess to teach them a precious lesson! God is NOT a liar, and anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power who went around doing GOOD, HEALING ALL that were oppressed of the devil for God was with Him! Acts 10:38

Notice that sickness and oppression are from the devil and Jesus came to deliver people from the works of the devil. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) So, since Jesus has not changed, then the reason people never get healed or delivered is that they have limited Him by their unbelief, and do not see that demons are behind sickness and disease and need to be cast out.


STOP putting all the blessings and healing off into the future …..you are healed right now by His, Jesus’, stripes. ” By His stripes you were healed”. 1Peter 2:24. God says to believe you receive the answer right when you pray in Mark 11. Jesus said to a man with a withered hand: “Stretch out your hand.”He told him to do something that in the natural he could not do. As the man just obeyed the words of Jesus immediately he was made whole and the hand grew out. Praise God! Jesus did NOT say someday you will be healed, but told him to do an act of faith and IMMEDIATELY was made whole.

STOP blaming God for your lack. God wants to bless you in every way, and the recipe for salvation, healing, deliverance, prosperity is in the Word of God! His promises are all YES, AND AMEN to the glory of God by us. God already said yes to your healing and deliverance.
Peace and Joy are yours so pray over everything with thanksgiving and the peace of God will keep your heart and mind. The Joy of the Lord is your strength as a believe in Jesus Christ so do NOT let anything rob your joy. Keep praising God all the time and REJOICE, EXALT THE MOST HIGH, LEAP FOR JOY, PRAISE HIM IN THE DANCE AND WATCH THE HOLY GHOST COME ON YOU AND FILL YOU TO OVERFLOWING WITH ABUNDANT JOY AND YOUR MOUTH WILL BE FILLED WITH LAUGHTER! Praise God it is a healing joy!

One miracle service I had was the one where the lady came up that was 5 months pregnant and was told she had a disease that was causing her to have a deformed baby. She was crying and vexed to say the least. When she told me all her problems suddenly I started laughing…laughing and as I looked at her the compassion of God flowed out to her and I said: “Don’t worry, it is a HEALING JOY.” She fell under the power of God and was healed of everything that was wrong with her. When she got up she looked like a thousand watt light bulb…the glory of God was all over her, and she was very happy. She went back to the doctor and he tested her, and came back and said her test was negative of the disease she had and ” this wasn’t possible!” Hahahahahaha oh, glory to Jesus the things that are impossible with man ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! He tested her the second time and had to admit the disease was gone. Praise God she delivered a perfect baby boy and the whole family got saved as they saw the glory of God.

Praise God, healing has started to flow, so receive it from Jesus now my friend! Jesus loves you and died for you, and raised again from the dead. Be loosed, be saved, be healed and delivered in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Believe it, say it, receive it NOW in the name of Jesus!
deafness must go now, arthritis bursitis and all pain must go now. migraines and all headaches leave them in Jesus name. heartache and heartbreak leave now in Jesus name. Praise God! HALLELUJAH!

JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. Leg trouble of all kinds is healed. Jesus touch those kidneys now in Jesus name. You who were crippled and twisted up…STRAIGHTEN UP IN THE NAME OF JESUS, for He makes the crooked places straight. Praise Jesus, thank you Lord for all you are doing now…a baby is receiving healing in the name of Jesus. There are those who have been praying for something for many days…now believe you receive and begin praising God, PRAISING GOD, PRAISING GOD for the answer for when you pray believe you receive, and you shall have it. Praise God ! I curse the smoking habit and all spirits of nicotine addiction must go out now in Jesus name.

I rebuke this demon of death that has been working and I bind it and all of it is cursed and MUST GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! cancer must go, sugar diabetes go now, and all heart problems. All drug addiction and spirits of all the drugs GO NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS.
BE MADE WHOLE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. All praise and glory be to God. Amen!

From Darkness to Light

Before you enjoy the post, just a quick note:

You may feel ugly, abused, good for nothing, washed up and condemned. Your world might have come crashing down around you and only ashes seem to be left.
Your life is NOT over!
Ashes are what’s left after every thing good has burned out. God will give you beauty for those ashes. He will bring you up out of that horrible pit and out of the miry clay and set you on the ROCK and establish your goings and put a NEW SONG in your mouth even praise to our God and many shall see it and be blessed.

Jesus will build you up and make you strong. Jesus forgives all your sins and His Blood cleanses us from all sins. “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Since you gave your life to Jesus He calls you the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You are right with God through faith in Jesus.
Your past is just that…PAST–OVER, DONE, and washed away by the blood of Jesus and you have a BRAND NEW LIFE. You are a NEW CREATION.

Now STOP beating yourself up over past mistakes, sins, falseness and stupidity. Let’s face it; it’s stupid to serve the devil or do what he says! After all, satan is a rank failure! he used to be in the heavenly host in heaven as a part of God’s many. Through pride satan thought he was hot stuff and could get above God and tell Him what to do. Ha! That’s JUST…PLAIN…IDIOTIC to think that. God doesn’t have “some” power, but rather HE IS ALL POWERFUL! None can stand before Him or go against Him and win!! NONE!!! NOTHING!! NOBODY!! No spirit anywhere by ANY means.
So you see, what God says HAPPENS. So when you go with God and say what He says, you will have what He has said and what you are saying when you believe it.

satan fell like lightning from heaven along with the third of angels that stupidly followed him.
So you see, when we listened to satan and demons we were being duped, deceived tricked, lied to and it was a stupid thing. THAT’S OVER. that was then, but thank God NOT now. So forgive yourself and realize that it’s just as if you never sinned when you accept Jesus in your heart. Now Jesus is made to you wisdom. It’s very wise to build your house on the ROCK instead of the sand! Jesus is the Rock and we are lively stones, a part of God’s building.
Rejoice in the LIGHT JESUS has given you and walk in it and He will give you yet greater light and blessings will flow like a river!


Before you enjoy the post, just a quick note:

When a lot has come against you from all sides it tries to bring a feeling of hopelessness and frustration! It is the tactic of the devil to try to hit with so many different things from all kinds of sources to wear you down and to cause fear and doubt! So if you have felt belabored, vexed, weakened, and at times like giving up, then this message is for you!

In this life it is not a matter of “turning over a new leaf” or “trying the latest program for self help”! No, what we need is revelation by and of the Holy Spirit! There is wisdom that is far above anything man ever knew or will ever know, and it only comes by the Holy Spirit! God knows EVERYTHING, not some things! Man has limited knowledge and is at his best state altogether vanity! We need to learn to lean heavily on the Holy Spirit!

As you seek God, meditate in the Word of God, and pray, and praise the Lord, the presence of the Lord will become very real in your life. You will become intimately acquainted with the Holy Spirit an He will lead you into all truth. After saved as you ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit you will receive a Holy Ghost prayer language and the wonder working power of God! Then you can pray a perfect prayer in the Holy Ghost and build yourself up on your most Holy faith all at the same time! Jesus said: ” You will receive POWER after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and you will be witnesses to me….in all the world!” Power to heal, power to deliver and cast out demons, POWER OVER ALL the power of the enemy, and NOTHING shall by ANY means hurt you!

John said in Revelation 1 : “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last what you SEE write in a book.” He was in the Spirit and when He turned saw Jesus and received the revelation of Jesus! Some people go by what they see in the “natural.” They go by what they feel and therefore miss what God has for them as they progressively get worse in every way until they finally pass away. We need to be in the Spirit and SEE what He shows and then we will walk in victory over the world, the flesh and the devil!

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of Truth! He changes how you look at everything and what you see! There is a spiritual blindness that keeps people from seeing the truth. The redeemer, Jesus Christ was right in front of people and they were blinded from seeing who He was! The blinded ones rejected Him and wanted Him dead! So it is today when people reject the power and move of God in the name of religion! The religious spirit keeps people from miracles they need by telling them lies and say the days of miracles and healing are past! When they believe the lies it blinds them instantly and from then on they “cannot see” the truth that would set them free! They can receive their sight again if the Holy Spirit breaks through the darkness, and they repent and believe!

As I grew in the Lord and ministry I got to a point to where when I was ministering to the sick I would see them different than they were in the natural by faith in the Spirit, and they would be healed every one! Parents brought a young crippled child to a miracle service and when they brought her up all I could see was her walking and running normal. We believed God and in the natural it looked like nothing happened, but in the Spirit I saw her walking. I told the parents to simply believe God, and they did and she was walking in two weeks. The doctors could do nothing for her, but THEN CAME JESUS! This kept happening where I couldn’t doubt as I would see the people as God sees by faith, well and strong!

It doesn’t matter what you have been through or how long you have been going through it, the POWER OF GOD IS FAR GREATER! As I thought on this post I thought of all the needs you have and no matter the situation, no matter how long you have been crippled or oppressed with arthritis or pain, no matter if you’ve been battling cancer or poverty, or vexation….I SAW YOU DANCE! God will turn our mourning into dancing and clothe us with gladness! Psalm 30:11 everything that has caused grief and pain is under my feet and God is turning your mourning into dancing!

“You don’t understand brother, there is no way I can dance…you just don’t know how bad I hurt!” What I do know is that no matter how bad off you have been, no matter how long you have been in pain, by FAITH I saw you DANCE by the WONDER WORKING POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! My preaching was not in the words of man’s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of POWER, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the POWER OF GOD! The WONDER WORKING POWER OF GOD IS UNLIMITED! Do NOT limit God by your infirmity or circumstance or by how long you have been oppressed! Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and FOREVER! He is the Deliverer, the Healer, the Restorer, the Good Shepherd, He is peace! Look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith!

I pray that NOW, SIGNS, WONDERS, AND MIRACLES BE DONE IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Let the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, and whatever miracle you need I thank Jesus for doing it now!


God’s Promise

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.